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“I’m not scowling at him.”

“Yes, you are, and he doesn’t deserve it. So stop it.” When Priest raised an eyebrow, Henri did the same. “You got a problem?”

“I have several, many of which we covered the last time we spoke about this particular matter.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Joel.” Henri took the straw from between his teeth and took a step closer. “Would it kill you to lighten up a little?”

Priest narrowed his eyes, and his look would’ve probably sent most running, but for Henri it was nothing new. He’d known Priest for far too long and in too many ways to be intimidated.

“I’m sorry that I’m not over the moon to see you cozying up to a police officer, Henri. But I happen to care about your future, even if you don’t.”

Henri wasn’t sure if Priest realized he’d moved even closer, but he sure as hell had. Not only could Henri smell Priest’s cologne—and his scent, which was so familiar—but he could feel the warmth emanating off Priest, and where that once would’ve had him yearning for more, wanting something he couldn’t have, right now there was just the intense desire to return to Bailey.

“I care about my future, and I’ll have you know, it’s looking brighter every day.” When Priest glared at him, Henri chuckled. “In fact, I’m in such a good mood right now that if you keep standing this close to me, I bet even you will smile.”

Priest took a step back. “I doubt it.”

Henri turned to look down the bar and gestured to the bartender, then he looked back to Priest. “I don’t. Victor died yesterday.”

As Henri’s words landed between them like a bomb, Priest’s eyes widened a fraction and his mouth fell open. But before he could find any words to respond, the bartender stopped in front of them.

“Hi there, what can I get you guys tonight? Oh, Priest, hi.”

Priest half acknowledged the guy with a nod, but it was obvious his mind was still busy trying to process, so Henri ordered for the both of them. “I’ll have a Heineken, and let’s get him an Old Fashioned, thanks.”

“You got it.”

As the bartender headed off, Priest put a hand on Henri’s arm, squeezing through the material of his jacket. “Victor died?” he asked, as though not quite believing what Henri had said.

But when Henri smiled so widely it nearly slid off his face, Priest’s hand tightened and he pulled Henri into a fierce hug that was as unexpected as it was out of character.

As Priest’s arms wound around him, Henri returned the gesture, the camaraderie they felt in that moment something no one else would understand, as relief and freedom washed over both of them.

Henri shut his eyes and held on tight, somehow knowing this would probably be the last time he shared a moment like this with Priest.

“I’m so fucking happy for you right now.”

“So happy you’re smiling?” Henri said, and when Priest pulled away and looked at him, there was a brilliant smile on those usually serious lips.

The bartender placed their drinks in front of them. Henri grabbed his beer and handed Priest his glass. “To dead motherfuckers who can never hurt us again. May they enjoy an eternity of suffering and pain.”

When he added a demented grin for good measure, Priest shook his head but clinked their glasses. “And to you. May you enjoy your freedom, now that you finally have it.”

The not-so-subtle reminder to be careful with Bailey was not missed, but Henri decided to let it go, as he drank to demons in hell and leaving his past far, far behind him.

“SHOULD I BE…worried about that?” The words were out of Bailey’s mouth before he could think better of them. He looked over to the bar, where Priest was talking to Henri, and his stomach began to slowly tie itself into knots.

He wasn’t stupid, he knew there was history there, but it wasn’t until he saw the two together that it’d really hit home for him. Henri and Priest had been a couple, and looking at the easy way they existed in the other’s personal space confirmed that whatever bond they’d once shared was something deep, something strong. Bailey just hoped he wasn’t fighting a losing battle trying to get closer to Henri.

“Worried about Priest and…Henri?” Robbie let out a choked laugh, and Bailey told himself not to freak out.

He’d been telling himself that ever since Priest had stepped inside and his date had come to a grinding halt. But he couldn’t stop hearing the way that Priest had said “my Henri” a couple of weeks ago, and now here Bailey was on a date with, well, Priest’s Henri.

Robbie shook his head. “I mean, there’s a past there, but they can barely be in a room together for five minutes without wanting to kill each other. Trust me, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
