Page 42 of What If

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“Are you joking?” She laughs, and her hands fly to cover her open lips.

“I suck at jokes. You know that. Marry me, Jessie. Marry me, move in here with me, make a house full of babies with me. Be my wife. Be my friend. Be my lover. Be my everything, baby. Please. I’m not above begging.” Tears well in her eyes and I barely choke out the last words. “I’m not above kidnapping you and holding you here against your will either. So, either way, you’re mine. So, yes? Marry me, Jessie.”

I bite back the half-sob that threatens to tear from my throat and lose.

I’m crying. I’m fucking crying again, only this time it’s from happiness because she just nodded and held out her hand.

I’ve got that fucking ring on her finger faster than a bullet out of a gun. And, if I have my way, and I usually get my way, I’ll have her married to me and a baby in her belly by the end of the week.

I scoop her up and carry her, giggling and looking at her finger, up the porch stairs and straight to the bedroom.

I can’t get the marriage sealed right now, but I can get a good start on that baby.

Epilogue 1


Six Months Later

The heat of the sun warms my shoulders as Torin drags me by the hand upstairs into the hayloft of the barn.

“Torin.” I half giggle trying to sound annoyed, but I fail.

“Baby.” He scoops me up as I yelp, and he carries me the rest of the way up the stairs. “Just shut up and let me take care of you, okay? Sometimes you are a royal pain in my ass.”

His good-natured ribbing holds truth. We are fairly sure I got pregnant the day Torin proposed and we went on a sex bender here at the house. Since then, I’ve been a bit of a cranky girl. I go from joyful to crying, to bitching at him about the dumbest stuff.

He takes it in stride, but he also has no issue putting me in my place when he’s had enough. That has included turning me over his knee which the first time shocked me, but it had a wonderful effect. It cleared my mind and made me incredibly wet which Torin took full advantage of.

Now, a spanking is something I feel sometimes I need as well as sometimes do my best to earn.

Right now, even I know my brat factor is high and my mouth sometimes goes faster than my brain. I stick my tongue out at Torin before adding, “Sometimes you’re a bossy—”

Before I can finish, the words are stolen from my mouth by the scene set in front of me.

The loft of the barn is full of hay bales, but the door is open on both ends and a summer breeze sweeps through dancing in white gauze fabric that’s been hung from the rough-hewn beams twenty feet over head.

White twinkling lights are wrapped around the posts and beams and there’s a mattress covered in quilts and enormous pillows just inside one of the openings.

“God Torin what is all this?” He carries me toward the mattress and sets me down on my bare feet gathering my hair in his hands behind my head.

He tugs backward and my neck bends forcing my eyes upward.

“This is me showing my wife how much I love her. How much I want her.” He growls the last words and his hands on my hair pull tighter making me gasp as he presses our bodies together.

“It’s beautiful.” I manage though the words feel stuck in my throat.

“Nope, you’re beautiful. This is beautiful.” He runs his hands from my hair down my back then sweeps them onto my belly which is filling out the front of my yellow and white sundress.

“I’m ginormous. How big am I going to get? It’s ridiculous. I look so fat.” My voice catches and I feel the sting of tears start. I cried this morning when we ran out of mustard because I wanted some on my oatmeal. My tits are so big, I can’t even buy a bra in a normal store anymore.

How Torin is ever going to survive this pregnancy with me I can’t imagine.

“I want you huge.” He throws his head back then looks down at me with a smile. “As big as a house, bigger. The more the better. Go big or go home.”

“Shut up you’re an idiot.”

“Maybe, but I’m your idiot and you make my cock harder the bigger you get, so stop with your bitching and lay down because I’m going to fuck you in every position possible.”

He lowers me onto the soft bed that sits on the floor of the loft and strips himself before doing the same to me. We are naked, the sunshine coming through the open loft door and he turned his lips to mine.

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