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“Best thing that ever happened to me,” she said. I nodded again and remained silent. After she makes a bold move with her knight, I grimaced in thought. She asked, “Aren’t you even a little bit excited about being a mommy?”

I twist up my mouth as I think. “I guess. I think I’m mostly happy because Amir is. I mean, I think me being here with him right now is probably the best thing for him.”

She pursed her lips, “What about you, though? You okay?”

“I think so. Lots of changes for me. You know how I am with huge direction shifts.”

She nodded in understanding, “Yeah, you’re too focused.” She moved a pawn and I saw where she was closing in on me. She added, “You’re like a pit bull—direct line all the way—no deviations allowed.”

“I’m really trying,” I said.

“You do love him, though. I can see it when you look at him. Actually,” she lifted her hand and pointed at me with a joyous twinkle in her eye. “The very first time you two made eye contact, I was watching, and I saw it then. It was like a lightning bolt shot between you.” She bobbed her head in remembrance and muttered as she moved her queen across the chessboard, “Yup, knew it even then. Checkmate.”

She leaned back and rests her hands on her swollen abdomen with a very pleased expression.

“Dammit. Have you been practicing? You were never that quick before.”

“Omar plays with me every day.”

“Yeah, but have you been practicing chess, too?” I joked.

She snorted and blushed. “That man—I swear he has the libido of a stallion.”

I nodded in understanding, “Yup—same here. Even injured, he’s a specimen.”

“You okay?” she asks again. “I know you, Jules, and I know something is wrong.”

“I dunno–I just feel off. I’ll get over it.”

“Okay, if you need anything, just ask. And talk to me! No bottling it up like I know you do. There is nothing worse for the baby than you living in emotional stress.”

I nodded and gave her a weak grin. “Besides—you’re here! We are together, Jules! Our kids are going to be best friends. This is the greatest thing I could have ever wished for.”

Melinda strolled in and yawned, “Hey girls. Man, that was a great nap. I really could get used to living this way.” She patted my thigh, “That reminds me, sweetheart. I’m going to head home in a couple days. Are you staying?”

I looked between Anna and her mother and blinked. “I guess I’m staying. Amir needs me.”

They both looked pleased with my statement. Why then, did I feel like I was going to be sick? Anna joked, “A couple more months, and she won’t be able to leave, even if she wants to.”

Melinda laughed, and they both acted like me being captive was the best thing in the world. Meanwhile, I ran to the bathroom and vomit all of my lunch.

Chapter Eleven

A couple more weeks pass, and Amir is seriously improving. I was reading a book while he was doing his PT. He and his trainer talk in Arabic, so I don’t understand a thing they say. Amir was supporting himself between two upright, parallel bars. His upper body was still quite strong, and I could tell he was mostly using his arms. His legs still looked awkward and noodle-like. He winked at me and then his focus returned to what the trainer was asking of him.

I went back to my book, and I missed what happens next. All I heard was a thud and then a long string of words said in a definite swearing tone. I stood to rush to Amir, and with a flushed face he yelled at me.

“No—leave this instant!”

I was aware I’m overly emotional at the moment because of the hormones flooding my body, but I couldn’t stop the tears as they welled. Amir again struggled from the floor and told me to get out of his sight. I did as he said and fled the room. Sobbing my way through the house. Feeling aimless and lost. As I staggered past Omar’s office, he shouted my name. I stalled and wiped my cheeks.

“Julie?” he called again. “Join me,” he orders.

There was an odd thing that happened to me when I was around Omar the great. At least, that was how I thought of him in my head. He was every bit a king. Royal-born oozes from his pores and even a blind person would bow to the aura of power that emanates from him. Amir has this same kind of energy, but not in the overwhelming capacity that Omar does. When he speaks, my ears hear it as a command, I am unable to disobey.

I entered his office with my head down. He motioned to the chair opposite him, across

the desk. Again I obeyed even the unspoken dominance willingly. Without preamble he began.
