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I yanked off my boots and slid into the bed on the other side of Lily. I took hold of her fingers and gently pried them from the blankets. When she resisted, I coaxed, "Lily, my sweet, you were so brave. You did a fine job. Now there's nothing for you to fear. Rye and I are here. You'll never have to be fearful again."

"No, never again," Rye said, placing a tender kiss to her temple.

Lily directed those big brown eyes at me and blinked as though she'd just noticed my arrival. That she was sandwiched between two men in a bed didn't seem to have registered or affected her, yet. I gave another tug on the blanket, and she let go. I allowed it to rest at her waist. Her blouse was open and pushed off her shoulders. I stared at her alabaster flesh and envisioned her entire body naked. My cock stirred in my pants.

Man was not meant to be in bed fully clothed, but considering the amount of trauma our Lily had experienced in the last hour, it seemed best to move slowly, no matter how uncomfortable.

We had decades before us to engage in all the tawdry games I had in mind that involved my cock buried deep in her mouth, her pussy and, eventually, her ass. My cock swelled again, and I shifted.

"Is-is it true? What you told the deputies?" She turned her head to gape at Rye. "A-are you really a l-lord?" She spoke the words almost reverently.

"Yes," Rye assured her. "It is true. I am the third son of the Earl of Rye. Third sons are rarely of much value to their family, and so I took the opportunity to travel here to America, to start anew. With my dear, lifelong friend, Keane." He nodded in my direction, and she turned to me.

"A-are you a l-lord, too?"

"Oh hell no," I said. "I'm a soldier. Used to be. Now I'm a rancher. Bridgewater Ranch to be exact."

"Bridgewater?" She sat up straighter. "I-I think I have he-heard about that ranch."

"We have some of the finest horses in the territory. Perhaps that is what you have heard about."

"No," she said, moving her head slowly from side to side, her brow furrowed as though she was working to remember something. "My employer—former employer—I-I overheard a conversation he had with several men. Actually many conversations. They called it a ranch full of debauchery, and that it ought to be burned down. A blight on society and the good people of Montana."

"That sounds about right," I said. Rye shot me a scowl. "I'm sorry, darling. I ought not to tease. Yes, we at Bridgewater do live an unconventional lifestyle."

"It's based on a tradition from Mohamir. Where two or more men share a bride. The better to protect and provide for her. In every way." Rye ran a finger along the opening of her blouse, pushing it aside.

Lily's pert mouth fell slack, and her breathing increased. Rye continued to work the blouse farther down.

"In fact, that's why we came to Butte this week. To find a bride."

"Oh!" she gasped and glanced around the room. "D-did you f-find one?"

"As a matter of fact," I said, brushing the hair back from her face, reveling in the silky feel of it, "we did."

Her face fell, and she reached for the covers again.

"Found her before we'd even gotten to the hotel," Rye added. "Right there in the park. Her hat came flying toward us, like divine intervention." He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her throat. She gaped at us.

"But then we found out she was married. Or so we thought." I opened the final buttons on her blouse and pushed it open while I placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"We were so disappointed, we'd decided to go back home and stop looking," Rye said, then covered her mouth with his, pulled her close.

I finished removing her blouse, her flimsy corset the only covering on her torso. God, she was even more exquisite than I’d imagined. And I’d imagined a lot. Every night and most waking moments, too. Touching her, kissing her, listening to her moans of pleasure. And now, those dreams were about to come true.

When the kiss ended, Rye passed her over to me. She gazed up at me, mouth swollen from Rye’s kiss. I took my turn, tasting her for the first time. Her lips were soft and pliable, and her body responded to me. Her mouth moved beneath mine, and her fingers rested on my chest, gentle as a sparrow, and then slid up around my neck. God in heaven, it was the most glorious sensation I’d ever experienced. Her delicate body melted against mine. I slipped my hands around her tiny waist, holding her close, her tight nipples brushing my shirt. I ached to free her breasts and suck on the sweet nubs.

"And then she cried out. Needed our help," I whispered against her lips. I had to kiss her again. I couldn’t get enough.

Meanwhile, Rye removed the pins from her hair so it fell about her shoulders like a silky, fawn-colored wave.

"And now we have her right where she belongs," he whispered, pushing her hair aside and kissing her nape. "In our bed. Between us."



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