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Olivia laughed again. "Don’t worry, we don’t bite."

"Hey, woman." A dark haired man wrapped his arm around Olivia’s slim waist. "We’re getting hungry. And I don’t think Rye and Keane want to be hanging around here all afternoon, if you know what I mean." He gave her bottom a sharp swat, and she squealed and giggled. "Simon!" she cried out. "We have company!"

"Oh, nothing she isn’t going to get used to very quickly herself," he replied then turned to me with a smile that went all the way to his dark eyes. "I’d never want to embarrass a woman on purpose, especially not a newcomer to Bridgewater. I hope you’ll forgive my exuberance, Lily."

"Of course," I said. He was certainly charming, and the way he looked at Olivia made me like him immediately.

"Let’s go and have a seat." Keane came up and put his arm around my waist. "Thanks for inviting us to eat with you, Simon."

"Happy to do it," our host replied.

I was settled into a seat between Rye and Keane. I did a hurried count and determined about ten people were around the table, each woman situated between two men. I wondered how Olivia’s three husbands managed. I’d have to ask her about that sometime.

Then I giggled to myself. Who’d ever have thought that would be a topic of conversation in my life?

"What’s so funny, Lily?" Rye whispered in my ear, his hot breath sending a shiver through me.

"I-I’m happy to be here," I replied. True, but not exactly the correct answer to his question.

Olivia and another man, I assumed it was one of her husbands, entered the room. He carried a large pot of stew, which he set on the table while Olivia distributed two plates of steaming cornbread. Keane put a slice of cornbread on my plate while Rye filled my glass with milk. Then Keane took my plate and ladled a helping of stew onto it.

I hadn’t thought I was hungry, but the sights and smells of Olivia’s meal opened up my appetite. "This looks delicious, Olivia, thank you," I said, spreading my napkin over my lap.

The meal was a raucous affair with lots of chatter and good natured ribbing around the table, particularly amongst the men, though a couple of the women gave as good as they got.

This was not like any meal I’d had at the Garners’ house.

"I understand you’re from Butte," another woman—oh, why wasn’t I better with names?—said to me from across the table.

"Yes, I am," I replied.

"But now she’s from Bridgewater," Rye interjected, pulling me close and kissing me, right there in front of everyone. When it ended I was dazed and blushing. I glanced around the table, certain I’d see shocked expressions from the others, but no one acted as though they’d even noticed.

The woman across the table gave me a smile. "They’re all so possessive." She shook her head. "And I love it."

"You’d better," a man on her left growled before ravishing her mouth.

I’d never observed such a passionate kiss, and I felt a flush cross my cheeks. I should have turned away, but I couldn’t.

"I bet they never taught you about this sort of thing at finishing school, did they?" Keane whispered in my ear. "What does it do to you when you watch the way Tyler is taking care of Emily?"


On my left, Rye’s hand slid up my skirt. I gasped when he slipped his finger between the folds of my sex. "She’s very wet," he said, barely even trying to keep his voice low. "I think she likes watching."

"Well, if that’s the case," Simon answered, cupping Olivia’s face between his palms and lowering his mouth to hers. She moaned deep in her throat and buried her fingers in his hair, responding enthusiastically to his kiss, and when Simon finished, she turned to the husband on her other side.

Before I knew it, men and women all around the table were engaging in what might have looked like a kissing competition. Or an orgy. The room echoed with moans and sighs of pleasure.

Meanwhile, my breath caught in my throat, and I squirmed in my seat. Rye’s fingers were fully engulfed in my pussy while Keane’s lips caressed the delicate flesh near my ear. "You like watching, don’t you? Oh, naughty, naughty, Lily."

I wanted to object to his statement, but what could I say? The evidence was there, oozing between the lips of my sex.

Rye removed his hand, and an involuntary protest flew from my lips. Both my husbands stood, pulling me up between them. "Olivia," Keane said, "thank you for a lovely meal, but it seems we need to get home and attend to our bride."

I shrieked with embarrassment. "Keane!"

"You need to learn the most important rule at Bridgewater," Rye said.

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