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But, I would not allow Mr. Garner to sully that wondrous encounter with his tawdry insinuations.

"Don't lie to me, girl." He sat up straight in his chair and glared at me. "I cannot have a liar as governess to my children. What sort of influence would that be on their characters?"

"I apologize that I do not recall what it is you are referencing," I replied. "It must not have had much of an impact on me. So many things happen in the park, especially when the children are exploring. They are both so bright and curious. I am sure they get that from you, Mr. Garner."

He puffed up with pride at that bit of false flattery. "Yes, they must. Did you know my forefathers were among the first explorers to settle in this city?"

"Is that so?" I asked, as though this was completely new information to me. A tinge of guilt bothered me briefly. I did not care for deceit or manipulation, but I needed to keep my job.

Thereupon, Mr. Garner set about regaling me with the often-told tale of his explorer ancestors. As far as I could tell, the officious Mr. Garner had not inherited one trait of his forebears, though he made ample use of the fortune they had amassed.

Finally, I was able to extricate myself from their presence and made my way to my bedroom, the one small slice of personal space I was permitted in the massive Garner estate.

Once I had donned my nightgown and settled beneath the blankets of my bed, I indulged my imagination and visited the scene from the park over again in my mind.

I had been frustrated when the wind carried my hat away, but little did I know it would lead me to meet Rye and Keane. Men so handsome and virile, I knew I would never forget those few fleeting moments we shared.

My hat had landed at their feet as though divinely directed. It would be nice to think miracles happened, but I knew enough of the world to realize such a belief was akin to the fairy stories I read to the children before bed.

I closed my eyes and gave myself over to reliving the entire encounter. Rye's arresting blue eyes, the deep timbre of his voice. I noticed his hands as they held my hat. So large they spanned the entire brim. Clean, but work roughened. I wondered how they would feel touching me. Stroking my hair or caressing the curve of my jaw as he leaned in to kiss me. His lips would be warm and firm, teasing and coaxing me to respond, which I would do with pleasure. I'd never been kissed by a man, but I had no trouble imagining what it would be like, with Rye's broad arms around me as his mouth moved over mine. I'd lean into him and rest my palms against his firm chest, feel his heart beating beneath my fingers.

As the kiss ended, he’d pass me over to Keane, who’d repeat the same actions, though his kiss was different, still heady and arousing, but he cupped my nape with his palm and held me to him with light pressure, his other hand gliding down to rest upon my hip.

My eyes blinked open, and I sat bolt upright in bed. How could I desire both of them? Surely, something was wrong with me. What kind of woman felt such lust for one man, a virtual stranger no less, let alone two of them?

This was foolish. I plumped my pillow and rolled onto my side. I was nothing but a simple governess who needed employment and a roof over her head. I could ill afford to engage in wanton fantasies.

I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. Still, the images in my mind would not let me go. I huffed out a breath and made a decision. My mind belonged to me, and no one else could tell me what to think.

For one rebellious night, just this single time, I would allow myself to fully give in to my base instincts. What harm could come from that? I would get it out of my system and, when the sun came up, I would think of them no mor


In my mind, I conjured them both, their rugged faces smiling at me. Rye’s eyes darkening to a deep blue as his desire for me grew. In my fantasy, he knelt next to my bed and drew back the linens, his gaze roaming my body before his mouth lowered to cover mine. I clung to him as his lips opened mine and the kiss deepened.

The fantasy continued, and Keane made his way to the foot of the bed. His lush dark hair hung loose around his shoulders, and my fingers ached to bury themselves deep in the thick tresses. His rough palm slid up the length of my thigh until it reached the apex, his finger brushing across the slit of my womanhood and delving between the wet folds there.

As I imagined their touch upon me, I mimicked what I envisioned them doing. With one hand I squeezed my breast, the way I imagined Rye doing it. My nipple hardened and ached for more. I reached beneath my nightgown and stroked the wetness between my thighs. That shameful place I’d been told never to touch, but tonight was for me, and I threw all expectations and rules out the window, my fingers eagerly exploring my sex, the swollen lips of my nether region, and discovering a hard nubbin of nerves that sent a jolt of pleasure through me when I touched it.

My breath came hard and fast as I worked at that nub, imagining myself loved by two men, Rye and Keane, at the same time. Their hands and mouths possessing me in every way.

Tightness wound deep in my belly, and the hard nub in my wet core throbbed. With one final stroke, I exploded with pleasure, my cries echoing around my small room. Overcome with bliss, I lay there for a moment enjoying the lethargy.

I opened my eyes.

And stared directly into the shocked face of Mrs. Richard Garner.



* * *

Another door slammed in my face. This time I had not even been able to get out my request to see the mistress of the house before the housekeeper looked me up and down and closed the door without a word.

I caught a reflection of myself in a window by the entrance.

I’d have slammed the door on me, too. Disheveled and no doubt pungent, I had barely slept since Mrs. Richard Garner’s untimely arrival in my bedroom two nights previous.
