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"Oh please," I whined. "It was so embarrassing. Must I repeat it? Besides, it’s what brought us all together, and that’s what counts, isn’t it?"

They exchanged a glance then grinned at me. Ugh. There was no avoiding it now.

"Remember, there’s nothing embarrassing between us." Rye took my hand.

"And, if it helps, I’ll tell you some embarrassing stories about Rye," Keane offered.

"Ha! Those stories are nothing compared to the things Keane has done over the years."

They had me laughing and, with their promises to tell me embarrassing stories, I decided to take the plunge and share my tale. There would be no peace from them until I did so. I knew them well enough to be certain of that.

"Well," I began, "the night after I met you both in the park, when I was finally alone in my room, I couldn’t stop thinking about you."

"Was it me you couldn’t stop thinking about?" Keane asked.

"I bet it was me," Rye said.

"You were tongue-tied. Could barely get a word out," Keane reminded him. "I was debonair."

I cleared my throat. "Do you want to hear the story or not?"

"Oh, I like it when she gets all strict governess with us, don’t you?" Keane stated.

I waited for them to settle down. Sometimes they were like a couple of schoolboys.

"As I was saying, I was thinking about both of you. In fact, that caused me quite a bit of consternation because I’d never felt such an attraction to any one man, let alone two. I was sure something was wrong with me. But, I decided that for that one night, I would allow myself to indulge in a fantasy."

"Tell us your fantasy, Lily." Rye worked his hand inside my skirt and to the area between my thighs.

"Well…" It was getting more difficult to concentrate and speak while Rye fingered my clitty. "I-I was touching myself, imagining it was the two of you."

"Like this?" Rye pushed two fingers deep into my pussy.

"Y-yes," I replied. He stroked in and out a couple of times, and I gripped the edge of the table, trying to maintain my composure long enough to tell the story.

"Were you excited?" Keane whispered in my ear before he kissed my neck.

"Yes. Very."

"Like you are now?"

"Y-yes." My breath came faster, and I moved my hips in rhythm with Rye’s fingers.

"And then what happened?" Keane whispered again.

"The door slammed open, and Mrs. Garner caught me in the act."

The two of them burst out laughing.

At that very instant, there was a pounding on the front door of our cabin. For a moment I couldn’t tell if it was part of my memory, though, of course, Mrs. Garner had barged in without knocking.

"That’s the door," Rye finally said.

"Anyone knocking on our door when they know we have a new bride must have a death wish." Keane stopped kissing my neck and went to the door while Rye withdrew his fingers and I whimpered with complaint.

"Sorry, darlin’. It must be something urgent."


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