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Simon returned to the house with Cross then left for the stables with Rye while Cross went inside with Olivia and me.

"Come on." Olivia took hold of my arm. "I’ve got a bit of cake left, and we’ll have that with some coffee and get acquainted."

"I’d like some cake," Cross said.

"You had plenty of cake last night. It’s time for girl talk. Now you just shoo." She waved him away, and I nearly fainted with her boldness.

Cross didn’t seem too pleased with it either because he reached around and gave her a couple of hard swats on the backside. "Don’t get fresh with me, Olivia." His voice was stern, but his eyes were smiling. "You two enjoy yourselves. I’ll keep an eye on things outside."

Olivia gathered the cake and coffee. "I love those men, but they can be a handful. Sometimes you have to keep them in line, even if you do get a few swats in the process."

"I can’t imagine ever talking to Rye or Keane that way," I said, shaking my head.

"Well, I don’t do it very often," Oliva admitted. "Besides, my backside is used to getting spanked." She laughed.

"Do they do that… spank you… often?" My face burned, but I had to ask. I had to know.

"Well, not as much as they used to. I guess I’ve been behaving better. Though that doesn’t mean they don’t give my bottom a good workout as it is."

I had a feeling I knew what she was talking about, but never in a million years could I ask. Never. Ever.

"Oh," she said, noticing my blush. "I’m so sorry. I guess I keep blurting things out. I know Rhys gave your men a set of butt plugs so I assumed—"

"You assumed correctly," I said, suddenly overcoming my hesitation to talk about such things. I stirred my coffee and then gazed up at her. "Is it wrong I kind of like it?" I whispered, staring back down at my coffee.

"Heavens no!" she exclaimed. "At first it can be uncomfortable, but that’s why he makes so many different sizes. It’s easier to get used to." She leaned toward me and placed her hand on my arm. "And when they take you back there… I can’t even describe what it’s like. But it’s wonderful. I feel so full and, when we are all connected in that way, like you will be with Rye and Keane, it’s the ultimate claiming. The three of you will be joined, and you’re the one who holds it all together. It’s rather poetic, in a way. Though when it’s happening, I’m more likely to be groaning and moaning than reciting sonnets."

I reared back in my seat and gaped, then the two of us looked at each other and started giggling. That turned into laughing so hard, tears rolled down my cheeks, and I gasped for air. The same for Olivia.

By the time I caught my breath, I felt like the weight of the world was off of me. It wasn’t wrong for me to enjoy the sensation of the plug in my bottom. Olivia seemed like a lovely person and, if she liked it, I could, too.

"Oh, that felt good." I wiped at my tears. "Thank you."

"You’re welcome. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time." She took a sip of coffee then got a bit serious. "I’m sure you’re nervous about when they both enter you at the same time, but I’m certain they’ll be very careful and as gentle as they can. Those men love you with their whole hearts. I can tell."

"I love them with my whole heart, too," I replied, without even thinking. When I realized what I’d said, I clapped my hand over my mouth and then lowered it. "I-I’ve never said that before," I confessed.

Olivia’s face glowed as she smiled at me. "Oh, honey, that’s the best thing I’ve heard in a long time. I’m so glad you all found each other. You’re going to have a whole lifetime of happiness ahead of you."



* * *

"I can’t believe we interrupted our time with Lily to deal with this jackass," I whispered to Keane. "She was telling us about her dirty fantasies, and we had to give that up for this idiot?"

Keane’s gaze met mine, and he shrugged and walked away. It wouldn’t help a possible sale for the buyer to see the two of us whispering like a couple of schoolgirls.

Mr. Wentworth studied Patsy, one of our best mares. He kept walking around her and mumbling to himself. Horse people, those who live and breathe all things equine, have a certain way about them, particularly when they are around horses. Mr. Wentworth was not one of those people.

I glanced westward toward the setting sun. I could swear he was stalling. For what reason, I had no idea, but we’d wasted too much time with him already. I cleared my throat and approached him, ready to give him the fish-or-cut-bait treatment. I glanced at Keane again, and he nodded.

"Mr. Wentworth, do you have any questions about Patsy? She’s one of our finest." I pulled a carrot from my pocket and held it out for her. She ate it daintily off my palm, and I rubbed her forelock. I’d hate to see her go with a man who wouldn’t appreciate her, and I was tempted to make up an excuse to put her back in her stall.

"Oh, yes, I can see that," our visitor said.

"Perhaps you’d like us to saddle her up for you, and you could take her for a ride?" Keane strode up next to me.
