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Lyndsee slowly walked down the row of pews. The old wooden floor creaked about half way down and Lyndsee stopped dead in her tracks. She looked around, hoping Albet was too busy with whatever he was doing to notice. After a few seconds she heard papers rustling in the preacher’s office and she started again.

“No need to sneak around, Katie,” the preacher said loudly from his office.

How did he know she was there and more importantly how did he know it was her? Before she was sent to live in a foster home her name had been Kathrine, Katie for short. How could Albet possibly know she was the one sneaking around in his church?

There was no use sneaking now so she yelled back loudly. “Come out of the office with your hands up!” She had no intention of arresting him but she also had no intention of walking into his office where he had the advantage.

Although she was just an analyst she had taken many classes on how to use a gun and many self-defense classes. She had also continued her studies after becoming an analyst, in the hopes of one day becoming a profiler for the FBI. Even though she had never been out in the field, she had studied every aspect of it.

“Alright, sweetie, I’m coming,” Albet said calmly.

“I’m not your sweetie!” Lyndsee snapped.

Mark walked out of the office with his hands up, shaking his head in disbelief.

“I knew this day would come, but I didn’t think it would be this soon. I apparently haven’t done a very good job of hiding. You just became an FBI agent,” Mark said turning his gaze to Lyndsee. His eyes didn’t look evil, they looked kind and caring, and the look on his face was not angry, more disappointed.

“I know what you are!” Lyndsee shouted, trying to change the subject. It was disturbing that this man, the man who killed her mother, had been watching her.

“Katie, I don’t think you do. Now please put down the gun. I don’t want you hurting yourself,” Mark said lowering his hands.

“I have oak bullets with silver tips and I know you are a vampire,” Lyndsee’s voice got quieter, she almost didn’t believe what she was saying.

Mark didn’t react the way she had assumed. He didn’t seem alarmed, nor was he even upset.

“I’m not a vampire,” Mark replied with a laugh.

“I don’t believe you! This is for my mother!” Lyndsee shouted as she fired off all six rounds.

The shots were spread out all over the place and only one of them hit his chest. This gun had way more kick than the ones she had practiced with, so even at about twenty feet she couldn’t hit the same spot twice. It wasn’t that she couldn’t handle a gun, her nerves mixed with the unexpected kick of this gun just threw off her aim.

Mark stood in front of Lyndsee and looked down at his bloody white shirt. Mark laughed as the hole in his chest stained his shirt with blood, not an evil laugh, more in disbelief that Lyndsee had actually shot him. He didn’t take a step toward Lyndsee. Instead of getting angry he calmly crossed his arms and spoke.

“Now I’m going to need a new shirt. And those bullets wouldn’t work on a vampire either,” Mark said jokingly.

“But…but…how?” was all that Lyndsee could say.

“Katie, you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. Vampires aren’t like the ones from movies and books. You need to be smarter,” Mark spoke softly, not condescendingly.

“Quit calling me Katie!” Lyndsee screamed at him. The futility of her situation left her with little else to say. She couldn’t kill him and probably wouldn’t escape. This was wrong, her careful planning had gone horribly wrong.

“You’re right, you’re a little old for Katie. How about Kate?” Mark asked kindly.

“My name is Lyndsee,” Lyndsee said through gritted teeth as she slowly walked backwards. Maybe if she could distract him she could make it to the door, find someone else, maybe a crowd. He wouldn’t want too many witnesses.

“You’re right, Kate doesn’t quite fit either. But, your name is not Lyndsee, its Kathrine,” Mark rebutted, still quite calm.

Mark started walking toward Lyndsee and she turned to run. The agile man caught up with her quickly and grabbed her shoulders. His grip was strong, far too strong for a human.

“If you’re not a vampire then what the hell are you?” Lyndsee struggled to escape his grasp but it was no use.

“What I am is complicated. I can tell you that I’m called Asuune, but that word means nothing to you. So you will need to listen to my story,” Mark said calmly as he picked up Lyndsee and sat her in a pew.

“Why did you kill my mom?” Lyndsee was now crying. She had given up trying to escape but maybe she could get some answers before he killed her.

“That’s also complicated, again you will need to listen to my story,” Mark said as he sat down next to her in the pew.

“I don’t want to listen to a story, I want you dead!” Lyndsee screamed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Kathrine please,” Mark said as he tried to wipe the tears from her face but Lyndsee quickly pulled away.
