Page 32 of Curse of the Asuune

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“Yes,” Mark replied, trying resist Sarah’s enthusiasm.

“She is so uptight. Sofia is a sultry, seductive name. Agnus is the name you give a future nun, or…” Sarah waved her hands around, clearly trying to build suspense. “A librarian! And the nickname stuck. So for the last two hundred years everyone just calls her Agnus.”

A smile slipped back on to Mark’s face and he quickly tried to hide it. Agnus gave him another strange look, he could almost see the wheels turning in her head.

“Anyway, what I found out. And this doesn’t leave this room. I trust quite a few people with important things but this I trust only to you three. It’s that bad.” Sarah’s look turned serious as she spoke.

Mark felt his heart race, Sarah trusted him as much as Agnus and Charles. He hadn’t messed this up, at least not yet. Sarah was still his best friend.

“Chuck, can you get the door. We don’t want anyone walking in on us.” Sarah snickered.

Mark nearly fell backward. No one called him Chuck. A recruit had one day called him Chuck as a joke when she thought that Charles was out of earshot. The tongue lashing the poor recruit got for it nearly made her cry.

“Don’t say a word,” Charles said as he put his large hand on Mark’s shoulder. The smile Mark got from Charles was also unexpected, apparently Sarah was allowed to call him Chuck.

Sarah and Agnus laughed and Mark cracked another smile which he quickly hid. Was he being overly worried about smiling now? That could be just as bad. He needed to get this under control. He needed to act normally around Sarah but he couldn’t help it. Sarah was here and she looked stunning. He had nearly forgotten how absolutely perfect she was. Her hair, the way her mouth moved as she spoke, the smile that he couldn’t resist, it was all perfect, she was perfect.

“So apparently, we had a vampire in our town a few years ago,” Sarah started as soon as Charles had locked the door. “He posed as a new recruit. How he hid his bloodlust for nearly a month I have no idea but he did.”

“Who was it? Was it Gregory?” Agnus asked with a sneer on her face.

“No, Gregory was killed. It was Sam,” Sarah explained.

“Sam? But he was always so considerate. He helped build several houses. How did we not know?” Agnus put her hand on her forehead.

“Yeah,” Mark added. “How did he hide the stench?”

Everyone looked at Mark and he felt very uncomfortable. Had he made a mistake? Was it something they weren’t supposed to talk about? He still had so much to learn about being Asuune.

“What do you mean stench?” Sarah asked looking at Mark, intrigued.

Mark’s heart raced, not only had he said something wrong, Sarah was getting closer to him. His stomach felt like it was doing flips. All he could think about was kissing Sarah as she moved closer.

“The smell…the horrible smell when you’re near one,” Mark looked around for some backup but they were all staring at him like he had done something wrong.

“You can smell them?” Sarah asked, astonished.

The inquisitive look on her face drove Mark crazy, she was absolutely breathtaking. He was having a hard time concentrating, she was so close to him now.

“Yeah, the first time I smelled one I thought it was a garbage truck that went by. It smelled so horrible that I couldn’t eat for hours. I got more used to it though. I had to deal with Gregor and that stupid delivery man they sent to bring me blood. Thankfully he smelled so bad I was able to forget about the smell of the blood.” Mark went on for a bit before he realized that they had no idea what he was talking about.

Sarah slowly raised her hands and Mark’s anxiety rose sharply. Then she stuck out both hands and put them on his shoulders. He felt like he was suffocating, what was she going to do?

“I told you he was important,” Sarah said as she turned to Agnus.

“No one else can smell them? Seriously?” Mark asked. He breathed a sigh of relief, maybe it was disappointment as Sarah removed her hands. He wasn’t sure what he thought Sarah was going to do but when she did nothing he wasn’t sure how he felt about it.

“No one told you about your parents did they?” Sarah asked as she gave Agnus a disapproving look.

“No, why?” Mark asked.

“Agnus…” Sarah scolded.

“I was waiting for you to come back. I didn’t know how he would take it,” Agnus apologized.

“That’s fair,” Sarah relented and her near giddiness returned.

“Take what? What about my parents? You already told me that my mother was Nephilim and my father was an angel.” Mark said trying to figure out what else Sarah could mean.

“It’s who your father was…is…that’s what is so important. That’s what makes you special,” Sarah explained.

“Who was he? Is he?” Mark couldn’t take the suspense.

“Your father is the Archangel Michael.” Sarah said waiting for the inevitable flurry of questions from Mark.

“Michael, THE Michael. He’s my dad?” Mark asked, hardly believing what he was hearing.
