Page 39 of Curse of the Asuune

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Mark couldn’t risk hurting all these innocent humans and it would be his fault if any of them died. Mark doubted God would forgive that.

“Yes, please tell him that Mark Albet was here to see him, concerning his daughter,” Mark replied.

“Yes, sir. Someone will call you tomorrow and let you know the date of your appointment. Would you like to leave a number you can be reached at?” the kind woman asked.

“No, I’ll stop by again tomorrow and find out then, thanks,” Mark replied, then before the woman could say anything else he was on his way out the door.

He wasn’t waiting until tomorrow. At night this place would be empty, at least empty of humans. The few humans that might be in the building he could knock out or something. It wasn’t a great plan but it was his only plan. Mark just needed somewhere close by to stay until it looked like all the humans had left. Mark found a park only a block from Stallion Entertainment and set up on one of the benches that had a good view of the lobby. As Mark sat there he went over his stupid plan. He would walk in and announce that anyone who wanted to could leave and hopefully several of them would take him up on it. This would leave less vampires to kill and hopefully he could reach Samael before long.

Mark also thought about Sarah, how he missed her. Would he ever get her back? This was all his fault. If he had just told her, not been so afraid of her reaction. This could have all been avoided if he hadn’t been so afraid of losing her. Before long Mark fell asleep. It had been a long trip with little time to rest. Mark only woke up when a man walked by and threw some money at him.

“It’s time for you to embrace your calling, quit hiding,” the man said as he passed by.

Mark turned and looked but the man was gone. Had the man actually been there? Was he dreaming? Mark wasn’t sure what was going on. Then he noticed the bright neon clock on the corner. It was after midnight! Mark shot up from the bench and jogged his way to the front of Stallion Entertainment. When he reached the door he found that it was locked. He hadn’t thought of that. How was he going to get in without setting off the alarms and having hundreds of vampires on him in seconds? Mark looked around, stared at the desk the nice young woman was at and he could see what looked like an alarm console. If he broke the lock and quickly shut off the alarm maybe no one would notice? He could be at the back steps and upstairs before the cops arrived. Maybe they would think the burglar took off? It was about as good as his first plan so Mark figured, why not?

Mark pushed against the door to test its strength. The metal bolt between the doors might snap with enough pressure, this wouldn’t make half as much noise as the glass breaking. Mark pushed on the doors again and the bolt snapped. Mark couldn’t hear any alarm but the light on the console was now flashing. Mark zipped to the desk and jumped over it with ease. Quickly he searched all the knobs and buttons trying to figure out which one would shut it off. It was no use, the alarm had a keypad to enter a code. Mark punched the box and the light went off. Hopefully that meant the alarm went off as well. Mark had no time, if the alarm was still on, it was still on. This was his one shot, if he messed this up they would move Sarah or kill her. Mark ran to the door that said ‘Stairs’ and pushed the door open. The stench was nearly unbearable, it almost knocked him off his feet. Then he saw two vampires running down the stairs to meet him.

“My name is Mark Albet, I don’t want to kill you! Just leave and I’ll let you live! I’m just here to get Sarah!” Mark yelled up the steps but the vampires kept running at him with swords in their hands.

Mark pulled the sword from his backpack, it wasn’t very long, he wasn’t even sure he could consider it a sword, but it was all he had. The vampires reached him and Mark parried their blades with his. One of the vampires hit Mark in the leg.

“You’re not even gonna make it up the steps, stupid Asuune. You can’t kill,” the vampire pulled his sword back and Mark spun his own. The vampires head fell off and hit the floor. The second vampire stood in front of Mark with terror in his eyes. He dropped his sword then ran by Mark and out the door.

“Well, that didn’t go as well as I thought but I’m in,” Mark said to himself. Slowly and cautiously Mark made his way up the steps. Along the way he had to kill four more vampires, letting the two semi-intelligent ones leave unscathed.

When Mark eventually reached the top he opened the door slowly and soon saw Sarah. Two vampires where holding her arms and the man he assumed was Samael was sitting on a throne at the end of a very long red carpet.

“My name is Mark Albet, I’m only here for Sarah. Let me have her and I won’t kill you,” Mark said shakily. This was a real angel in front of him, not a vampire. He wasn’t sure what powers the angel had but he had to be strong. Sarah didn’t struggle, she just looked at Mark with sadness in her eyes.

Samael laughed. “I see you found the loophole.” Samael motioned to the blood on Mark’s clothes.

“Yes, I can defend myself, it’s not murder,” Mark spat back. His courage was growing.
