Page 61 of Curse of the Asuune

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Was her Paul really that strong? Was he really that dangerous? And now she was doing it ‘Her Paul’! Damn him! That man was nothing but a giant frustration! She wanted to be angry at him but her body betrayed her again. Even the mention of his name made her body warm. It made her spine tingle, as well as other places. She wished that her body would stop wanting him so much but it really wanted Paul.

“Worry about us. If Elyon is here then Azazel is ramping things up.” Sarah sounded worried but all Kathrine could feel was relief. If Azazel was ramping things up then Paul would soon be free.

“Tell her the rest,” Agnus urged.

“Fine!” Sarah was even more annoyed now. “Elyon slaughtered our family. The ones that didn’t follow their plans for the subjugation of humans, he killed them. And that bitch, helped him do it!” Sarah’s anger was returning, then as if a switch was flipped in her head she turned back into Sarah. “Sorry Agnus, I didn’t mean to.”

“I understand, Sarah. Keep going.” Agnus prodded.

“Elyon and Castriana, killed Agnus’s husband and child. They would have killed her too but I showed up just in time.” Sarah clenched her fists.

“Then why aren’t you as angry as Sarah?” Kathrine asked, looking at Agnus.

“What good would it do? And it was just Elyon, Castriana wasn’t there,” Agnus replied calmly. Kathrine was shocked at how well Agnus was taking this. For sisters, Sarah and Agnus were nothing alike.

“She helped him plan it, helped him find you. How can you just forgive her like that?!” Sarah was now a little annoyed at Agnus.

“Don’t you go telling me who I can and can’t be angry with! SHE WASN’T THERE!” Agnus snapped back as she stood to face her sister.

There was the resemblance, Kathrine thought to herself. Apparently Agnus just didn’t blame Hailey, not that she liked Hailey, she just didn’t see it as Hailey’s fault. Also, yelling was the only way to get through to Sarah sometimes.

“So, what can I do?” Kathrine asked. She felt that Hailey was now her responsibility.

“I can handle it.” Agnus glared at Sarah. “I found a book on how to slowly remove the human blood.”

“I don’t think you know what you’re doing with this. I don’t mean to be rude but a book can’t prepare…” Sarah started

“I can handle it!” Agnus growled.

Sarah stomped off toward the door. Agnus snuck a smile at Kathrine to let her know she wasn’t really mad at anyone.

“Fine, if you need my help, let me know,” Sarah said defeated, then walked out. Sarah wasn’t scared of Agnus, not in the least. She was scared of hurting Agnus, it was her last sister. The last sister she actually cared about. The last sister that wasn’t dead or a vampire. Sarah would never be able to live with herself if she ever hurt Agnus.

“So, what can I do?” Kathrine asked again.

“You can go talk with Sarah about what you are,” Agnus smirked.

“But…” Kathrine started but as soon as Agnus glared at her she knew she was defeated as well. “Fine.” Kathrine mimicked Sarah and stormed out, only Kathrine’s was for show and Sarah’s had not been.

Chapter 26

Kathrine followed Sarah to her house and got there just as Sarah was venting to Mark. Sarah couldn’t take out her frustrations on Agnus so Mark was a good verbal punching bag. Kathrine wasn’t worried because as much as Sarah would not hurt Agnus, she could not hurt Mark. Sarah loved Mark above everyone else, Kathrine doubted she was able to hurt Mark. Although physically she probably could, her love for him was so strong that Sarah’s own body might just fight against her if she tried. Kind of like the way Kathrine’s body refused to hate Paul.

“Your dad said you had big fangs, I should have figured this out a while ago. I did have my suspicions though and your dad isn’t a Versi so I wasn’t sure,” Sarah explained as she noticed Kathrine walking in the door. Mark looked relieved, Sarah may not have been hurting him but verbally he was getting the beating of his life.

“What’s a Versi?” Kathrine asked.

“Versipellis, its Latin for skin turner, it means you’re an animal type of Asuune,” Sarah replied.

“I’m a werewolf? What the hell?!” Kathrine exclaimed.

“You’re not a werewolf. A werewolf is a Versi that drinks human blood. Kinda like a vampire but more vicious. And you’re not even canine, you’re feline,” Sarah explained.

“I’m a cat?!” Kathrine was shocked. How was she a cat and her dad was, well, whatever he was, he was not a cat.

“You are even more special,” Sarah mused. “There are very few feline Versi. I’ve met two in my entire life other than you. Let’s put it this way. One in a hundred Asuune are Versi and out of those one in a hundred are a feline Versi.”

“Paul?” Kathrine hoped.

“No, he’s not Versi,” Sarah said. She could see the disappointment on Kathrine’s face.

“It’s ok, normals and Versi can still be together,” Sarah assured her but Kathrine wasn’t quite sure she wanted to be with Paul. As she thought this her body disagreed, her body really wanted Paul. The mere mention of his name and her body was full of desire.
