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The center of my mind’s obsession appeared at the end of the hall like an apparition.

He hadn’t bothered with a uniform jacket, and I could see the contours of his body beneath his shirt. He stood in front of the doors with both his hands in his pockets, watching me approach.

“What are you doing here? I thought you would’ve left already.” He’d been gone before the final bell rung almost every day lately, leaving Audrey to take me home.

“I need to talk to you.”

“And your phone isn’t working?”

“It’s not that kind of conversation.”

Oookay. I went to amble around him, which ultimately meant I went no farther. “I don’t have time for you right now, Judas.”

His hand shot out and wrapped around my wrist.

“You always have time for me.” He started walking in the direction I’d just come from, attempting to pull me with him.

“No,” I protested, breaking away.

“Did you just tell me no?” He tilted his head to the side, regarding me with a closed-off expression.

“Yes. I told you no. I know that’s not a word you hear very often, but you can’t just show up and make me do whatever you want. That’s not how the world works.”

“It’s how my world works.”

Oh, here we go. I shook my head, continuing to shake it as I turned and went back the way I’d been going.

“No is a word that carries a negative quality where you’re concerned. I think we need to remove it from your vocabulary.”

I laughed at his audacity, slamming into his chest a second later as he easily walked past me and then stepped right into my path, gasping when he suddenly lifted me up, bending my upper half over his shoulder to carry me. His hands went right to my ass, gripping it firmly.

“Judas!” I slapped his back.

He ignored my protests, carrying me all the way into the locker room and down to the last row of lockers. When he lowered me, I realized we couldn’t be seen from any other vantage point.

“What are you doing?”

“What do you think?”

I stepped away from him, unable to read his expression or mood. I wasn’t afraid of Judas, but his unpredictability ensured I was always on my toes around him. My back hit the tiled wall that bridged the small connection between gym lockers. It smelled like Lysol and air freshener.

“I didn’t bring you in here to hurt you, if that’s what you’re thinking. I brought you in here so that I could lick, suck, and fuck your pussy with my tongue.”

“What?” The air whooshed from my lungs.

“I’ve been thinking about it all day.” He stepped closer to me. “Lift your skirt up and spread your legs.”

I couldn’t discern if he was being serious or fucking with me. He had a penchant for messing with my head. The vent above us served as a reminder of where we were.

The chiming of a bell signaling I should be in class studying for a math test wasn’t a strong enough deterrent to make me walk out of the locker room. I fingered the hem of my skirt, slowly lifting it up.

“Good girl.” He took another step closer, bringing his hands to my hips, stroking the skin there with his thumbs. “I don’t think I’ve told you how beautiful you are lately.”

“Thank you…” I mumbled.

“You know, I heard something the other day.” He hooked his fingers in the elastic of my navy boy-shorts and began to slide them down. “That you’d send the king away when you were done with him.”

“That’s not exactly how it was said.”

“The point is, some people got the idea in their heads you’ve been made a queen, but in order to be that you’d need to claim the king.”

His fingertips ran down my thighs, making my breath hitch.

“No, the point is, I never did. I wouldn’t,” I replied absentmindedly, watching him lower himself, taking my underwear all the way down with him and lifting my leg out of one side.

“Don’t lie to me. You’d love to make it official that you’re mine. So, I did it for you.”

“What?” I said, much in the same way I had moments ago.

“Why do you think no one’s bothered you? People are practically going out of their way to pledge their futures to you.”

“Really Jude? Their futures, isn’t that a bit dramatic?”

“Not in the world I come from. You build your connections early.”

“I’m not part of that world,” I reminded him.

“You will be.”

“Don’t you hate me?”

“I love to hate you as much as you love to deny you wouldn’t love me down on my knees worshipping the ground you walk on.”

A breathy laugh unfolded between us.

“You’re ridiculous.”

“What I am is about to devour your soul through your pussy, so spread your legs and stop delaying the inevitable.”

There wasn’t a rebuttal for that. I did as he said, moaning the second his warm tongue licked up my slit. “Your cunt tastes like my new favorite meal,” he groaned. His tongue dipped inside me and then slid up to circle my clit. He lapped at me for a moment before his entire mouth was covering my pussy, doing exactly as he’d just promised.
