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“Yes. To my house. If you hate it, I’ll sell it, and we’ll buy something else.”

She stands and reaches for her robe, wraps it around her, and turns back to me. “You’d sell your house for me if I didn’t like it?”

Why do I feel like that’s a trick question? “Of course, I would. I want to make a life with you, Nadia. I want you to live where you’re comfortable and happy.”

“In Seattle.”

I see where this is going.

I tug on a pair of shorts and stand across the bed from her, my hands in my pockets.

“Yes, I’d like to live in Seattle. Is that a problem for you?”

“I don’t know.” She moves a piece of wet hair off her cheek. “It’s not something I’ve considered before. Seattle is off-limits because our families—”

“Our families are fine. If you don’t like Seattle, don’t want to make a home there—”

“I didn’t say that.” She hurries around the bed and takes my hand in hers, then kisses my chin. “I’m overthinking it. I like Seattle, Carmine. And I like your house. I mean, it could use a woman’s touch here and there…”

Hope spreads through my belly.

“It could. You’re right. Do you know of a woman who might want to add her touch?”

She smiles and tips her face to mine. “I just might. I’ll put out some feelers.”

“You’re a sassy one.”

“And you get to live with me. Lucky man.”

Yes. Yes, I am a lucky man.

Chapter 18


I slept like the dead. I don’t remember the last time I slept that hard.

I roll over and look at my watch.

9:30 a.m.

I sit up and scowl.

Nine-thirty? What in the actual fuck?

Nadia’s already up. I don’t know why she didn’t wake me. It’s completely uncharacteristic of me to sleep past seven.

I drag my hand down my face, then reach for my shorts. Jesus, jet lag is a motherfucker.

I pad into the kitchen and narrow my eyes. The whole house is still.

Where’s Nadia?

Just as my phone rings in my hand, I notice the note on the counter.


Ran out for donuts and coffee. You’re so sleepy! Be back soon.



“Yeah?” I say without looking at the name on the display.

“You need to come up to Victor.”

“Shane? What the fuck, Shane? I’ve been trying to reach you for days. Why don’t you ever answer your goddamn phone?”

“I have a life, brother. But never mind that now. I need you to come up to my place to look at some stuff. Rocco’s on his way to get you. Should be there any minute. I’ve been calling you for a few hours.”

“I overslept.” I sigh and scratch my scalp. “Christ, I haven’t even had any coffee yet.”

“I have plenty. Get your ass ready to go when Rocco gets there. Oh, and, Carmine, come without the girl.”


“Just don’t bring her. This is as confidential as it gets.”

He ends the call, and I hurry back to the bedroom to get dressed and pull myself together. I usually trim the scruff on my face in the mornings, but there’s no time for that today. I clean up a bit, comb my hair, and walk back out to the kitchen.

I look up to see Nadia coming through the door, juggling a box of her favorite donuts and a tray of coffees.

I rush over to help her, gratefully lift a coffee from the tray, and take a long sip.

“God bless you.”

“Are you okay? You have sleep marks all over your face.”

“I slept hard.”

“Yeah, you did.” Nadia lifts the lid of the box and sniffs the treats inside. “I bought too many, but I couldn’t help myself.”

“Thanks for going out to get this.” I take her shoulders in my hands and kiss her. “I have to go.”

“Huh? Where are we going?”

I kiss her forehead so I can stall and figure out a lie to use. I haven’t had to lie to Nadia in months, and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

“I have to meet with my brothers. Some business that isn’t tied to what we’ve been working on.”

She nods and takes a bite out of a maple bar. “Okay. Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you? We could go straight to Annika’s from there.”

There’s a knock on the door.

“That’s my brother. You know what? You take the car. I’ll meet you there.”

“Okay.” She frowns, watching me. “Are you sure everything’s okay?”

“As far as I know, everything’s fine.”

Rocco walks into the house and grins. “Mornin’.”

“Hi, Rafe,” Nadia says. “I didn’t get enough coffee for you, but you’re welcome to take a donut or two. Actually, here. You might have just saved my life. I’ll take two, and you guys take the rest. Now I won’t eat them all myself.”

“Nice. Thanks.”

I take the box and kiss her again. “Thanks. I’ll see you later.”

“See you later,” she says cheerfully as I close the door behind me and follow Rocco to his car.
