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I feel fucking sick. Why does this have to be so hard, and what the hell am I even supposed to say to him? So much has gone down between us and not a damn thing of it has been good.

I wait a moment, my gaze flicking back toward the stairs. I should just leave; I’m only asking for trouble.

I never should have come here.

Before I can walk away, the door opens and I find myself staring up at a broken man, his usual dark stormy eyes completely shattered. My bottom lip trembles as everything breaks inside of me. “I—”

“You know, don’t you?” he asks, cutting me off before I get the chance to really say what needs to be said. Though, I really don’t know what that is. ‘Thank you’ doesn’t seem like enough, while ‘sorry’ sounds so utterly pathetic after everything that’s already been said and done.

I nod, swallowing over the lump in my throat as I briefly remember his kiss in the dark elevator, a goodbye kiss, nothing more. But as I look into the hollow depths of his stormy gaze, it becomes all too obvious; Dante Carver is in love with me.

Then just like that, Carver takes a step back and closes the door between us. The soft click of the lock falls into place, splitting my heart right down the center—the final nail in the coffin.


School just seems so trivial after everything that’s gone down over the past few days. What the fuck are we even doing here? Is there a purpose now knowing that my whole future is already planned out for the rest of my life, knowing that I’ll never want for anything, never have a chance to go to college and get a real career? What’s the point in suffering through the last few months of exams, hormonal teenagers, and demanding teachers?

I look up at the big school. Maybe the whole point is to give me just a sliver of normalcy before I dive headfirst into the world of Dynasty. Though, it’s not like I haven’t already experienced my fair share of it, and damn it, it left an awful taste in my mouth. I don’t know how they expect me to last until my dying days in that world, but if I have my way, Dynasty will cease to exist.

Though I can’t deny how intriguing the idea of flushing out all the corrupted assholes sounds and starting fresh with the heirs. Maybe if we start them young, they can be easily swayed to not be dickheads like their fathers before them, but then I’m stuck with guys like Grayson, Carver, and King, and it’s no secret that they’re the biggest dickheads of them all. Not Cruz though, he’s as sweet as candy … and just as delicious too.

As I pull my helmet off, I glance down at my Ducati and let out a sigh. After finding out exactly what Carver did for me yesterday, I’ve been in a slump. I can’t focus, I can’t smile, I couldn’t even ride in a straight fucking line without nearly causing an accident. Carver hasn’t left my thoughts, and the way my chest constantly aches is seriously starting to mess with my head.

I hate that he did that for me, and I hate even more that it’s because there’s something between us—at least there was. I think … I don’t fucking know anymore. But if he didn’t care for me, why the hell would he go to those lengths to protect me?

Fuck him. Why did he have to go and complicate this so much more? The world is already hard enough as it is. The guilt I feel for what he did for me, but also the anger at the whole situation … shit. I don’t know how we’re ever going to build a relationship again—not that we really had one.

I can’t imagine what he’s feeling right now.

The familiar black Escalade pulls into the student parking lot and I watch it as it pulls into the space next to my Ducati. I feel all four of the guys’ intense stares on me and the second the four doors open, it only gets worse.

Grayson gets out first and takes two steps toward me as Carver cuts in front of us, his stare boring into mine and holding me captive. His natural manly scent hits me as he passes, and my chest begins to ache all over again. The second he slices his stare away from mine, everything goes weak. It’s not until Grayson’s big hand curls tightly around my elbow, holding me up, that I realize I’m falling.

I quickly right myself and catch my breath, only to realize that Grayson still stands behind me, his hand at my elbow. My heart races. The last time we spoke without our emotions running wild was in the kitchen of King’s cabin in the woods when I discovered the raven tattoo stretching over his chest. I couldn’t help but feel like it had something to do with me, and even now, after everything that’s gone down the last few days and the way he protected me, I’m questioning everything.
