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“Hey, oh thanks, Jesse, you’re sweet.” As if someone hit a slow motion button, I watch with great attention, highly annoyed when he leaves my side and walks up to her, then purposefully rubs her arm. Who does that? It looks awkward and it’s uncomfortable.

“I was wondering if you have a date to Derek’s party this Saturday? Because if you don’t, I think we—”

I’m done with this conversation. Go ask someone else, douche lord, she’s hanging with me this weekend. Puffing my chest, I go in for the kill, overly excited to let this schmuck’s feelings get rubbed in the dirt by my big boot. “Nope, she’s going with me, sorry, bro, piss somewhere else.” Nudging him with my shoulder, I push him out of her reach and wrap my arm around her shoulder, pulling her in closely to my side, ignoring her resistance.

He looks at me with his lips pursed and his fists clenching at his sides, like mine just were a moment ago. I can tell he wants to fight me, but his lanky build and short stature is nothing to my six foot two build and bulging muscles. Yeah, I just bragged a bit.

“Oh, I didn’t know you two were a thing.”

Shay pushes into my side, making us part, and she responds hastily. “We aren’t. I’ll see you guys later.”

I watch her storm out of the cafeteria like a bat out of hell and start to go after her, but before I get far, Kingston grabs my arm.

“Let her cool off, bro, you know how she gets. And for shit’s sake, if you want to be with her that bad, put us all out of our misery and do it.”

He’s right, she n

eeds her space. For this first time I have to let her come to me. I need to start working on my groveling skills if she’s ever going to forgive me for whatever the fuck just came over me back there.

I’m not into relationships, I like Shayla—yes, but relationships are a joke. My dad loved my mother for far too long, giving way too much, and her ass bounced when she decided we weren’t good enough. My dad was devastated, all because he loved her. Relationships open up the possibility to fall in love. No thanks, but with Shayla, if I can’t have her, then whoever gets her has to be good enough. And Jesse isn’t that guy. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let her fall in love with someone. God, I’m a psycho.

Later that night, I’m watching the game when the doorbell sounds off. My dad’s out of town on business and Kings won’t be over until after his date with Hilary. Reluctantly, I get up and make my way to the door. Looking out the window, I see a pissed off, but still fucking adorable Shayla. I can tell she’s cold from the way she holds herself and the quivering of her lips. It must be twenty degrees outside. Utah winters are terrible. Hurriedly opening the door just enough to allow her tiny frame to slip under my arm, I let her in. Well, she barges in and almost immediately starts poking my chest with her tiny fingers.

“What the hell is your problem? Where do you get off thinking you can just ruin my date with Jesse?” she huffs, pacing back and forth in front of me. Before I can even open my mouth to speak, she starts up again.

“You know I like him, Trey. I have wanted to date him for forever!”

This makes me angry; actually, it makes me fucking furious. I know I have no claim to her, but everything about this woman screams mine, with or without her permission.

“He’s a fucking loser, Shay. Sorry, but you deserve better.” She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing her sexy tits up more, and rolls her eyes in exasperation. I laugh at her failed attempt to look pissed. When she’s like this it only turns me on more. I love when she challenges my restraint.

“What are you talking about? That’s not your choice to make, Trey! God, you piss me off. I shouldn’t even be here, it doesn’t matter. You’re just a big, fat, ahh—”

Cutting her off, I throw her moody ass over my shoulder. There’s no way I’m going to let her leave this house mad at me. This firecracker needs a time-out, and I will be sure to give her one.

She starts fighting me in protest, pounding her fists against my back and flailing her legs, almost hitting me in the face. She’s wild tonight. I throw her onto my large couch; she looks appalled while she struggles to regain her surroundings and moves all her hair that’s now covering her face, back to its rightful state.

“You’re out of control, Trey. I’m not a rag doll, you can’t just throw me around like a caveman would.”

I rush to cover her body with mine and she falls back against the pillow when I do. She’s so wrong; I’m a fucking man, a man craving its mate. She’s lucky that’s all I did. My room is just up the stairs, and my bed could use some loose screws.

“Wrong, Shayla, you need to chill the fuck out for a second, because you don’t understand that I’m just trying to protect you. That guy’s a scumbag. I’m not sorry about believing you deserve better, and you shouldn’t be pissed at me for that. You can be angry with me, but don’t come into my house and call me unwarranted names and not expect me to put you back in check. Because one day, Shayla, you will realize some man will come along and ruin you for anyone. But mark my words, it won’t be that fucker.”

I instantly feel bad when her eyes start to water. Fuck, is she crying? I’m such a dick. I just wanted her to calm down and realize I’m right. Jesse is, rightfully so, a fucking douche.

“Sweetie, I didn’t mean to yell.”

She shakes her head and places her warm hand against my chest, just above my heart. “No, Trey, you’re right. You don’t deserve to be yelled at like this. I know you’re just trying to protect me, and Jesse doesn’t have the best reputation.”

I’m a little confused as to why she was mad in the first place then. I look at her with bewilderment, encouraging her to press on. “Why are you crying then?”

She looks like she’s about to tell me something important, but then something else passes over her face. What the fuck was that?

“I just started my period, and I’m emotional, and it’s just…I don’t know, it’s nothing. Thank you for caring about me.”

Now I’m even more confused, did she just thank me for ruining her date and throwing her around like a caveman? Also, let’s not forget when I yelled at her. Shayla’s a bull in a cage, you pick at her too much and she’ll ram right back. This woman’s a damn mystery. I refrain from asking her any more questions or pushing the matter, I’ve done enough tonight, I think.

“Can I hang out and watch the game with you? Kings is gone, and my mom and dad were fighting when I left.”

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