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“Let’s hope it’s soon. The back and forth they keep doing is dragging us all down.” He’s beyond right. This has been such a trial for them both, but I feel just as involved, like we’re the jury on this grueling trial between lovers.

“Enough with all the heavy, baby. Let’s go watch a movie.” Standing, he helps me up. I’m thankful this conversation didn’t last long.

I decide to forgo the sleep my body desperately craves so I can have one-on-one time with Trey. Call me anxious, but my nails are worn down to the nubs, I’m curious to know why he went to talk to his dad about us. Of course I assume the worst; I’m a woman after all. “I have a better idea. How about me, you, and some wine hang out on my balcony?” He tilts his head up, as if he’s trying to choose what to do. I’m sure he also wonders what I’m up to.

“All right, you’re on, babe. Bring on the questions.”

Laughing, I look at him and feign innocence. “Uh, I’m appalled. What makes you think I have an agenda?” Grabbing the wine and glasses he opens the sliding glass door, letting me step out.

“Because you, baby, always have an agenda. You’re telling me that you want to pass up a chick flick and a strong cuddle session to sit on the patio?”

He has a point, and I hate that I’m this obvious. I think about it for a moment, the mention of strong cuddles has my insides fluttering. Ultimately though, I need to find out what happened at his dad’s today.

“Fine, you win. I have an agenda, but you get to look at me all night while I ask you all these questions. Since my beauty exceeds these questions, you can count your blessings, mister.”

We both walk to the balcony wall with a glass of wine; he takes his place behind me, wrapping me in his arms as we breathe in the moment. Something feels different with him. He seems more content and at ease with himself. I take in my surroundings. Our view of the city resembles a thousand floating lights in the distance, with a light fog hanging over the city. The night air has a little bite to it, causing me to shiver, he responds by wrapping me tighter in his arms.

“He’s proud of me for, you know, owning up to my feelings and making you mine.”

That’s all he has to say to transform the content smile on my face to a megawatt grin. I love Pops, we’ve had such a great relationship, one I was scared to tarnish if he didn’t want us together. I don’t know why he wouldn’t want us together, but once again, I’m a woman with insecurities.

“He is, is he?”

Kissing his favorite spot in the crook of my neck, he nods, whispering so softly in my ear I almost don’t catch what he says next. “He’s proud that you’re the one I’m falling in love with.”

I’m taken aback by his words and feel my stomach fill with butterflies. It feels like the world stopped spinning. It feels like everyone has frozen in time and I’m the only one allowed to move. I’ve seen time stand still in movies and read about it in books, but now it’s my reality.

I think I’m falling in love with him too, but I don’t know if we’re there yet. Sure, it’s easy to love someone, especially since we were friends first, there’s no doubt that I’ve loved him a while now. But being in love with him is something completely different. Well, I know without a shadow of doubt that I am, but his confession insinuated the act of getting there, not completely being there.

“Trey. I don’t know what to say.” He really has me at a loss for words.

“Don’t say anything yet. When you’re ready you can tell me exactly what you’re feeling, okay?”

“Okay, baby.” Nodding in submission, I let it be known with just my look, that I’m falling for him, too.

“Now give me a kiss, beautiful.” He grabs my face delicately and lifts it to his, making our lips touch. Just like every time he kisses me, it’s like the first time all over again. I reluctantly come up for air and take a breath; both of us content and satisfied…for now.

“So, how was your dad, other than being proud of you? I know I’m quite the catch, but you probably had to get bored talking about perfection,” I tease in a cocky attitude.

“Someone’s feeling themselves, maybe I should take away your wine, cocky.” We both laugh and he tickles my sides with his long fingers, making me put my wine down. Doing things like this, playing and teasing, it’s the smallest things, but it really tugs on my heartstrings.

“Stop! That tickles and I have red wine with a white T-shirt! You want to get that stain out?” He continues his assault on my sides.

“No, but I can help you out of the stained shirt. How about that? Does that work for you?”

He can be such a perv; it’s cute on him though. That’s quite a statement—Trey being a pervert is cute. I’m officially a lost cause. “You’re su

ch a corn dog, you know that?” Tilting his head, a knowing smile splays on his handsome face, causing my stomach to knot in desire.

“You think lines like that work on girls? I mean, how did you live all these years without me, Trey?” His smile leaves his stoic face and his jaw tightens and ticks. I want, more than anything, to run my lips against his jawline, to wipe the conflicted look off his face.

“I didn’t live, I barely survived waiting for you.”

Okay, I’m done, see you later, world. I’m running away with Trey Joseph Adams, and I’m not coming back. Feel free to write me or send me telegrams if you get desperate enough.

“Trey, you don’t play fair, you make this really hard.”

He tilts his head more, assessing my face. “What do you mean?” A tug at the corner of his mouth makes his lips twitch. I’m glad he’s amused, but I’m serious. He makes taking it slow and trying to let him fight his demons harder.
