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Watching him closely as

we walk across the dark wooden floor, I realize then how damn big this place is, it feels like it’s taking me an eternity to get to her. Making it so the longer I look at this tool the bigger the urge I get to begin sprinting, and I almost do when I see him put his hand on my Shay’s lower back, just above her ass, leaning to whisper something in her ear.

“Babe!” I shout to her in a panic; I want her away from him. I notice everyone else turning with her to look at me, and when I see his full face, I instantly want to throw her over my shoulder, slap her ass, throw her in the back of the car, and head for a deserted island. She looks at me in confusion and it fuels my fire, she should look excited to see me, not confused. Then again, I just yelled to her, randomly like a psycho.

“Trey, what are you doing here?” I hold up the bags of Chinese food in my hand to show her.

“I brought my woman some food. I couldn’t have her starving, now could I?” My heart rate evens out a little when I see that beautiful smile on her face as I zero in on her, standing right next to her.

“Thanks, that’s so sweet—”

I cut her off and use my free hand to grab her waist and pull her flush against me; he needs to see that Shayla is mine. I kiss her with a raw hunger and need. Staking my claim and showing this pretty boy that she’s with a fucking man. I haven’t kissed her in over three days and her taste is setting off fireworks and alarm bells in my head. I know I need to stop, but I can’t. Whenever we kiss or she lets me have her taste, I get selfish, wanting more.

I guide my hand down her waist and it forms to the roundness of her tight ass. I continue my kiss, taking her plump bottom lip between my teeth and tugging it, gently. That was obviously going too far for her as she pulls back. Reluctantly, I let her stop us, but I make sure he sees me smirk as I wipe the side of my bottom lip, making direct eye contact with him.

Yeah, she’s mine. I’m a smug bastard. He nods his head, showing me he got the message. I swear I smell victory, if it had a scent.

“Babe, um, this is uh Evan. He’s our investor I’ve been telling you about.” Her voice is breathy, and I finally break eye contact with the poor chump to look down at Shay. She looks just as I thought she would, her cheeks are flushed and her lips are swollen from my assault. She’s seriously beautiful. I know she can feel me against her stomach and she glances down. Her lust-filled green eyes widen. She shoots her head back up and looks at me in shock. I give her a quick wink.

“Sorry, how rude of me. I’m Trey, her boyfriend. She’s told me a lot about you, Ethan.”

“Babe, it’s Evan,” she says, looking up at me with a pissed smirk on her sexy lips. I know it was rude, but I don’t care. I hate this bastard and the way he’s still looking at Shay. I guess next time I’ll have to slap her ass and give her a hickey in the shape of a T for my name. Dick.

“Oh, Evan, sure, whatever.” I shrug my shoulders to give extra emphasis on the lack of shits that I give.

“Nice to meet you, Trey.” He holds his hand out toward me, and I stare at it for a second, debating what I should do. After a few more seconds, I choose the high road. I squeeze it hard with force, trying to out strengthen him. Okay, so maybe not the high road, but it was a detour to the nice way.

“Trey, your lovely girlfriend, here has been working tirelessly to get this new line together for the board of directors. She’s quite incredible, don’t you think?”

Don’t I think? Yeah, I think my girlfriend is incredible. Who is this dude? Lovely? I’m sorry, but this guy must be the dumbest man alive to call her lovely in front of me.

“Her name is Shayla, not lovely.” He smirks the biggest grin, and I can see the cockiness radiating off of him in waves. It makes my blood boil. Shay starts squirming in my arms until she gets loose from my grip.

“Trey.” She’s no longer red from blushing when we lock eyes; she’s red with anger, which is extremely sexy looking on her. I hear Kingston cough next to me, and I know he knows I’m about to get my ass handed to me. I heed his warning, as well as the threat in Shayla’s tone and bite my tongue. Step down, Trey, remember she isn’t the pawn in your fucking issues.

“Sorry, yes, Shayla is amazing.” Lana chuckles next to King’s relaxed posture. They both think it’s funny to see me bugging out, little did they know I’m choosing to not fucking snap. Something about this Evan guy just doesn’t sit well. His eyes roam over Shayla’s body in ways they shouldn’t, spending an unsettling amount of time on her beautiful curves. Any man would be jealous if another man were looking at their woman the way he did.

“One of the greatest talents I’ve ever had the complete pleasure of working with.” He draws out pleasure, letting it roll off his tongue smoothly. I remove my arm from around Shay and move toward Lana, leaning to her level to give her a quick hug, choosing with all my fucking strength to not punch his fucking lights out.

“Both you girls are talented, all the brains and beauty,” he states again, and Kings takes a deep breath next to me, I shoot him a look and see him raging, chest puffed and ready to attack. He and I both. Lana grabs his arm and holds him in place; Evan is too oblivious to notice, as he’s wrapped up in checking his phone.

“You girls need to eat, it’s past lunch,” I state, moving back toward Shayla. Wrapping my arm around her again, I stare at Evan, giving him the signal to leave so the girls can eat.

“True, I should leave you ladies to it. Thanks for seeing me today and have a great vacation. Lana, Shay.” He nods at them both. “I will update you when I hear back from the board.”

“Thanks, Evan,” they cheerfully say in unison. My eyes never leave his moving form until he is out of sight.

“We need to have a little talk, can we go in my office?” Shay pulls me by the hand, leaving my arms and leading us to the back of the store, not really letting me answer.

Shutting the door I make myself comfortable on her desk, leaning against it and crossing my arms and legs at my ankles. I know she’s standing there staring at me, while I adjust myself.

“’Her name’s Shayla, not lovely? Evan, sure, whatever?’” She mocks my previous statements.

I shrug my shoulders and smirk. “It’s the truth.” I state matter-of-factly.

“Trey, you have got to get this under control. Evan is a good guy, he’s just over the top with compliments, I’m sure it’s just to butter us up, so we don’t back out.”

I scoff, lifting my brow. I know she can’t be serious. She turned down other investors and picked him, so what buttering up needs to be done?
