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“You’re right. He’s pretty awesome, huh?” Her warm palms cradle my face and I nod. Leaning in, I kiss her lips steadily, with confidence. We stay like this for a little while longer, until we can’t feel our lips. I fall asleep more excited for tomorrow and the time I will get with family, friends, and Shayla.

“SHIT HEAD! DID YOU miss me, dickless?”

Ah, the peace and quiet was nice while it lasted.

“Kingston Donovan, there are ladies present,” my dad says, slapping the back of Kingston’s head as they walk out of the airport’s sliding doors.

Dad is wasting his time; Kings will never change that mouth or attitude for anyone. Sometimes I wonder, and I do mean wonder for long periods of time, how he and Shayla are related. Shayla rarely has anything coming from her mouth, other than a touch of sass, that sounds as foolish as Kings does. She’s the saint of peace and love while Kingston’s the poster child of poor choices and terrible language.

“Oh, Pops, they’re used to it. And honestly, how can they resist this face?” He pouts his lip out and bats his eyelashes. He looks like a giant fucking idiot. A group of girls walk past and giggle, no shame. I look to Lana and she’s glaring at them, when they see her they scurry away with their tails between their legs. That a girl.

“You’re cut off. Let’s get this big dumb-ass to the hotel before the snow hits.” I move over to my dad and hug him before I grab his suitcase from his hand, making sure I also give Kathy a kiss on the cheek. Once I say my hellos, I grab her bag and make my way to the car.

“How was the flight?” I ask, packing all the luggage into the back of the SUV.

“It was great except for the part where we had to travel with this guy.” My dad nudges Kingston in the side. Kings laughs and pulls Lana in closer to him.

“He wouldn’t take no for an answer and couldn’t keep his hands to himself. I mean honestly, Kingston, give the poor girl a break.” I look over and see Lana blushing, biting her lip to keep from laughing. Kingston looks proud.

“Look at her, Pops, can you blame me?” He stands back and shows Lana off, like a game show host shows off the final prize.

“Yeah, she’s beautiful. Now don’t screw it up, you big knucklehead.” I love watching Kings and him go at each other. They’ve always been like this, bickering and trying to get the last word in. My Pops gives Kings a run for his damn money, that’s for sure.

“Where’s Shay?” Kingston and my dad ask in unison.

“Jinx. You owe me a beer.” Kings and my dad say at the same time. Kingston wins, finishing first. My dad stomps his foot and shakes his head. We all laugh and Kathy leans in to kiss him better.

“It’s kind of gross when they kiss,” Kings whispers jokingly. Obviously, we don’t think its gross, but Kingston can’t resist a good joke. I smile and push his shoulder.

“Ah, heck. I didn’t win this time. Anyway, where’s Shay?” Dad looks at me through the rearview mirror as I pull out of the parking garage and head back to Park City. The scenery is beautiful right now. The mountains in the distance are covered in snow; the clouds are dark, heavy with the promise of a fresh snowfall. This works in our favor since we plan on snowboarding tomorrow. Shay’s never been so I need lots of snow, that way I can show her how to snowboard, she’s been looking forward to it since we planned our trip.

“I wanted her to sleep in. She had a rough day yesterday.” I look in the rearview mirror again, and I’m met with the same blue eyes looking back at me, he has concern etched into his slightly wrinkled forehead, my dad aged well.

“What happened?” he questions, adjusting his arm around Kathy’s shoulder. A quick flashback of me pounding into her late last night before we fell asleep comes flooding into my memory; I don’t think I can tell him the truth, obviously. Kingston looks over at me, his angry eyes beating into the side of my face, he fucking knows, he’s not an idiot. I know he is fine with Shayla and me, he isn’t naïve to the idea that we are eventually going to have sex, but his look right now is angry as fuck, and I know he is going to give me hell. He wants to be a dick and out me in front of everyone, as payback for fucking his sister. Asshole.

“Yeah, dude. What happened? Pounding headache from disappointment?” I shoot him a death glare, warning him to stop while he is ahead.

“I can assure you the pounding headache isn’t from disappointment.” Fuck, he’s really on one today. It’s fucking early, and I’m sure they haven’t had breakfast yet. Stomaching the sex talk right now doesn’t fit into the itinerary. Not only that, but I’m so fucking selfish when it comes to Shay. I don’t want anyone to know about our sex life. Anyone.

“Ew, you two are so gross. I’m going to tell Shay what you’re up to, Kings,” Lana threatens from her seat in the back. She’s looking out the window, unaffected by the promise she jus

t made, like it’s not big deal that she’s gonna tell Shay about her dipshit brother. God these two are meant for each other, literally she came from Kingston’s rib or whatever that saying is.

“No, Dad, she just had a hard day and didn’t get much sleep. So, Lana, I planned a spa day for you two today. I want her to relax.” I turn my head slightly to glance at her for a quick second before my eyes land back on the icy roads. My dad and Kathy want to sightsee, so I want the girls to go have a nice spa day, while me and this big fuckhead—Kingston—keep my parents busy.

“That’s nice of you, son. That a boy.” I smile in the rearview mirror again; my dad’s hand pats my shoulder and squeezes it, showing me a moment of praise.

“Thanks, Pop.”


WAKING UP TO AN empty bed after the night we shared seriously blows. I remember hearing Trey leave for the airport this morning. Kissing me while saying sweet things to me, telling me I needed to stay in bed and get some sleep.

We made out for hours last night and it was completely new territory for me. Hopefully, it was for him, too.

The room is a little chilly; I think a hot shower is in order.

“Baby! I’m back!” I hear Trey’s voice echo over the sound of the running water, and my stomach instantly flips. I missed him.

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