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I wait ten minutes before my phone chimes with a message alert.

Lana: Joel wanted to talk to me outside. He got mad and left me in the truck. I’ll come back when I clean up…

Pig. I know what she means; he freaking hit her. He hits her and I have to stand here silent. I want to tell someone so bad, I do, but she begged me not to, pleaded with me. Joel scares us all, I feel defenseless.

Me: L, are you okay? What did he get pissed about? Where are you? I’ll come out.

Lana: No! Don’t. He’ll only get more angry if you do.

Sad thing is, she’s right, and if I want my friend to spend time at her actual prom and not a hospital room, then I’ll stay put. I wait another twenty minutes and text Kings.

Me: You haven’t called. I’m leaving.

Kingston: You won’t be able to leave now.

I re-read his mixed message, trying to understand it when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I’m glad Joel let Lana come back. I stand and turn quickly, and I about fall back on the table when I’m greeted with the most handsome person my eyes have or will ever lay eyes on.

“Trey? What’re you doing here?” I ask, shocked that he’s here in this gym, with me.

“I got a call that my best friend was looking for her date. I must have got lost, but I’m here now,” he says in a sarcastic tone, but I hear the sincerity in his voice.

“You didn’t have to ruin your Saturday by coming to my prom. You graduated years ago, this must cramp your style,” I state, noticing the onlookers staring. Trey is ridiculously good-looking in his all black tux; I take notice of all the girls drooling over him.

He reaches forward and takes my hand. “I actually think it gives me street cred to be roaming my old stomping grounds. But please, make my game better and let everyone in this room see me dance with the most gorgeous one here tonight.”

I feel the butterflies in my stomach disperse widely. I’ve had a crush on Trey since I was eleven and here we are, full circle. I know he was just saying it to be nice, but the way he’s looking at me right now is overwhelming my senses.

“I can’t believe this. You really are too good to me.” I smile up at him, reveling in the feel of our hands joined together and his firm grip on my hip.

“Are you kidding me, you’re my best friend. What could I possibly be doing on a Saturday night that would compare to this?” He gesture

s to us on the dance floor.

“You’re too good to me,” I say again, because no other words can express what my heart is feeling. What I wouldn’t give for this to be more than just a fantasy. I wish this were my everyday reality.

We’re lost in dancing when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn quickly, smiling at whoever is waiting for my attention. My smile fades when I am met with Lana’s bruised and broken one. Her eye is swollen and red, her lip has a cut.

“Whoa, what the fuck, L!” Trey yells, clinging his hands to the structure of her face, assessing the damage.

“It’s nothing, you guys.” Her eyes have welled with new, fresh tears, and I can see her wall slowly crumbling.

“Where’s that piece of shit, sweetie?” Trey’s tone softens, and I watch him turn into the gentle voice of reason. He must have realized his yelling was coming in way too hot, and the last thing she needs is another male aggressor in her face, yelling at her.

“He left. I don’t have a ride, so I’m going to walk home.”

“The hell you are. It’s pouring outside,” he states, motioning to the side door that leads to the parking lot, rain hitting the small window.

“It’s fine, I don’t wanna be here anymore.” Her voice is low and somber. Trey wraps her into a bear hug, careful to not add more damage to her bruised, tender skin.

“You know what?” Trey pauses, looking around the surrounding area. “Let’s go outside and dance like idiots in the rain.”

Instantly, my heart fills with gratification when my friend laughs. Her laugh comes out on top of a hiccup and it’s music to my ears. Could Trey ever do anything wrong?

He grabs our hands, running for the side doors. We spend the next hour dancing and making memories. Trey slow danced with us both and selflessly wasted his Saturday night to make sure Lana and I were happy. I need to give thanks to Kingston when he gets home.

“Shay, wake up.” I’m jolted awake with no idea where I am.

“You’re in my hotel room, and lover boy keeps blowing up your phone. Go back to him.” I roll over and see a freshly showered Kings standing over me. He has a towel wrapped around his waist and his face is partially covered in shaving cream. I gain my bearings, noticing the sound of the shower running in the background. Standing up slowly, feeling dizzy and off balance, I slip on my boots, my silk robe still tight around me.

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