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“Yeah, well, looks like we are both at a standstill then,” I hiss, leaning against the headboard. We don’t move, we just sit for a minute or two. He breaks first, ending our standoff.

“Okay. I read that text and tried to ignore it. I thought this guy had to be out of his mind to think that it’s appropriate to call a taken woman ‘beautiful’ and all the other things he said.” Trey clears his throat and continues, “Turns out I’m not that strong. I can’t just sit back and let a guy get away with little things like this. Because sometimes, men miss the obvious signs of disinterest and it can turn into something more. So, I went to his office.” Before he continues, he takes my hands in his warm ones. Even though his hands are warm they’re shaking, giving him at least an inch, I squeeze them for reassurance. He’s communicating, that’s the first step in fixing this, assuming I am even ready to fix this.

“I didn’t intend to hit him or start any physical altercation. I told him that he needs to keep it professional and stop sending you messages that indicate a little more than business. He didn’t like that and he threw my dad’s wealth in my face, telling me I couldn’t provide for my woman and so on.” He stops abruptly then looks to me.

It feels like there’s more to this story than he’s letting on, or maybe it’s just my paranoia.

“I can’t believe he would say something like that to you. You know that’s not true, right?” I’m not saying it’s okay by any means, Evan shouldn’t have said such a dick thing. I’ll bring this up to him if we’re going to continue working together, because I will always defend Trey if someone’s acting out of line.

Trey’s eyes tell me everything I need to know, he trusts me. It’s not about me, it’s about the other evils in this world and the people who want to destroy our happiness. Little does he know, he is part of that small group that threatens to destroy what we have.

“Yeah, I know. But that doesn’t make it okay, and I lost it. I’m sorry that I did this and if I screwed anything up.” He pulls our joined hands to his lips and peppers mine in soft kisses. The gesture is sweet and understated.

“It scares me,” I say above a whisper, my eyes fixated on our joined hands.

“What does?”

“Your actions, Trey. You do some scary things and at this point your mother isn’t the problem. You are.” I know my words aren’t an easy pill to swallow, but I have to tell him.

“I know. I am the problem. I went too far, no matter what he said in that room, I should have walked away and come to you. Talked to you and told you everything—told you what I was feeling.”

“I am not the woman, I think you think I am. Trey, I may be shy and a little more reserved, but I am headstrong and I am a fighter. I protect what’s mine and I love what’s mine. Alpha doesn’t mean that you have to be this macho guy with no control over his jealousy. Being Alpha means being strong, being a man, being unashamed of who you are and never letting anyone make you feel less than.” I let his hand play with my palm, while he stares directly at me, leaning on the edge of every word I’m saying.

“I trust you and you are the one with a rocky past. Women—a lot of them,” I remind him. “But I am far from insecure or worried that you would ever leave or cheat. Why can’t you give me the same respect?” I question, searching his face.

“I am your protector, I’m your lover, but most of all, I’m your best friend. Everything I do comes from a good place, I just might have a problem expressing it or handling it properly. What can I do to flip this night around and show you that I can be better?” He cradles my face and wipes the one lone tear cascading down my face. I so badly just want to throw in the towel. But I can’t, I can’t stop loving him, and

something that I fear more than losing my dream is losing him. I don’t know if I can live in a world where Trey doesn’t exist.

“You could stop breaking your promises and stop hurting me,” I simply state. There is no hidden answer, no gray area, just the easy truth.

“I can do that.” He looks hopeful, so I make a bargain with him.

“I love you, Trey. I will talk to Evan about this tomorrow and if he still wants to work with me, I will make sure he keeps it professional. If he steps out of line again, after knowing where I stand, I will cut the deal and tell you. Sound fair?”

“Yes.” He nods his head excitedly, and I stop him. I’m not done.

“This is the last time I will let your jealousy in our relationship.”

“I got it, I promise, Shay,” he promises, leaning in to kiss my cheek. I close my eyes and let his lips warm my cheek. Promises are only meaningful if they’re actually followed through on.

“Under one circumstance,” he says, moving his body back from me a little more, propping one knee on the bed between us.

“What?” He thinks now is a good time to negotiate, really?

“You can’t be alone with him. You can work with him, but where you go with him, someone else goes with you.”

I don’t like this; I can take care of myself.

“Trey, I’m not a child, I can take care of myself. Please don’t ask me to do this. I feel like it still falls under the category of you being jealous.” He doesn’t break eye contact with me and his facial expression doesn’t change. He won’t cave on this. We are both so dang stubborn. I hate it.

“I’m not going to be okay with you working together if you’re planning on ever being alone with him. Lana should be everywhere with you two anyway, so it shouldn’t be that hard. I trust you, baby, I do. He, however, isn’t trustworthy. I’m compromising here, please cut me some kind of deal.” There is reservation in his voice and I can’t pinpoint what it is. He still seems off…almost scared. Geez, what the actual hell?

I wait a moment and think. My dad was right, we both have faults and we need to give or take. Tonight he communicated with me, now it’s only fair I ease his mind and agree to his one stipulation.

“Fine. But if you go behind my back, Trey Adams, and interfere with my career again, you won’t be so lucky to find yourself in a compromise.” He releases a deep breath.

“I agree. I will stop being jealous and using my past as an excuse, while you promise to not be alone with him.” He leans in and for the first time since this morning, when I left our secret bubble, he kisses me. The softness in his lips settles me, pulling me in when I still want to push him out. Love shows no mercy, I repeat. I’m just getting into the kiss, enjoying where it was taking us, when he pulls away and stands up.
