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“Damn, so she’s pretty mad at me then?”

“No! She isn’t—I’m not either. Shit, we are thankful. I mean when she told me what he said I thought he was crazy, but then when we told him we weren’t doing the deal, he proved to be more psycho than we thought,” she says, chuckling, and I feel panic start to simmer in my stomach.

“What the fuck did he say?” She takes a deep breath and releases it, the loud noise coming through the speakers.

“Well, first he kind of just sat there, staring at his fist. He…I don’t know how to explain it, but had them entwined with each other and he started to clench them until they turned white. His eyes never left the table, it was fucking weird.” I want to tell her to skip through the details, but I don’t want to piss Kings off and I can’t really formulate a sentence.

“And?” I push her to continue.

“Then all the sudden he snapped. He started screaming and it wasn’t at us—which is weird since we are both in the deal—but he screamed at Shayla. Said all kinds of stuff about her being a tease and how he won’t let her reject him and she’ll regret it. It was some scary shit, Trey. She was shaken up all day. She said she was gonna tell you when she got home. So I wouldn’t be shocked if she just went for a drive or something.” The image of that piece of shit yelling at Shayla comes to my mind and then fear settles in, causing me to feel numb. Everything in me goes numb, my vision gets blurry and my hands start to shake.

I swear I can feel it in me, something isn’t fucking right. Shayla wouldn’t go for a drive without telling me unless she was mad at me. This morning we had a perfect start, we made love early with the rising sun and then I helped her get ready for work, spoiling her with my a

ttention. There is no way she’s mad and no way would she go for a drive to clear her head, she would come talk to me. I would be the person she would use to clear her head.

I curse, ending the call, not even explaining; I am in full fledge protector mode. I look at Kings and see the same idea going through his brain. His eyes are dilated and wide.

“We need to get to her now, she should have been home already. Fuck!” I yell, banging my fist down on the console, causing the loudest sound to echo through the car. I lean back and my legs start twitching, I can’t sit still. I know my woman’s in trouble, I can feel it down in my bones, and I swear if he touches one hair on her head I will fucking crush him. I glance eagerly at the speedometer, seeing it accelerate, but it still isn’t fast enough. Every minute I’m not there with her is another minute he has her alone.

“I’m going to kill him if he is there—if he’s trying to hurt her—I’ll kill him.” I run my hands through my hair, leaning forward and putting my elbows on my knees. Trying to focus on the little details of my black shorts, hoping it will fucking bring some relief. It doesn’t work. I lean back and bite at my lip nervously. Fucking get there already.

“I’m right there with you, Trey.”

Finally, after what felt like hours but was only seven minutes, we pull into the parking lot and Kings comes to a screeching halt by the back door, not even bothering to park correctly. Jumping out, I hear Shayla scream ‘stop’ and my heart rate spikes, my feet pounding against the ground fast and hard with each step. I still feel like I’m not moving fast enough.

Nothing could prepare me for what I see when I find them. Opening the door, I see Shay on the ground and Evan on top of her. His hands are around her throat, trying to stop her struggling. I pounce, attacking him with all my strength.

“You piece of shit!” I grab him by the back of his suit collar and wrench him off of her; he falls flat on his back with a loud thud. I don’t waste any time. I straddle his stomach and start delivering blow after blow to his face.

“I told you to stay away from her…you didn’t fucking listen!” My rage is unstoppable, the force of my blows are bone-breaking. Seeing his hands around her delicate neck caused me to see red. I’m gone, completely black.

“Trey!” I hear Kingston yell. “Fuck, I called the cops!” I ignore him; he can take a few more blows.

“Trey, baby, please stop.”

My fist hovers midair. I heard her voice; it’s hoarse and scratchy from the force of his hands around her small neck. I look down at him, ready to renew my anger with a fresh set of blows, but I see he’s not capable of fighting back. He’s groaning and letting out soft cries of pain.

“Come back to me, baby. I need you.” I turn to her and hear the sirens outside getting closer. Standing up, I run to her and take her in my arms, cradling her head to my chest, her spot.

“Keep an eye on that piece of shit and make sure he doesn’t move.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice. You, fucker, are lucky the cops are showing up. That’s my baby sister over there, and I don’t take too kindly to pigs like you hurting her,” Kingston says, standing over Evan. He spits on him, then kicks him in the side.

“Fuck you! She wanted it! You little prick tease!” Evan yells, lifting his head and looking over at Shay and me. Kingston kicks him again; he chokes out a mangled cough and rolls into a ball on his side. He looks like the weak coward he is. Kingston continues to kick him anywhere he can, repeatedly, the sound echoing through the store.

Through rage and gritted teeth, he lashes out. “I think Trey may have already told you this, but if you’re going to act like a big boy you better be prepared to fight like a fucking man.” Just as Kingston says this, the police come hustling through the back door.

We spend nearly an hour answering questions about the attack, every word she says has me boiling, my urge to attack heightening. I still want to crush him.

I help her into Kingston’s car and then we drive her to the hospital; I want them to make sure she’s okay. Her neck is bruised where his hands were wrapped tightly around her. The image makes bile rise in my throat and I have to chase it down.

Once we get to the hospital, Shayla and I walk inside slowly, hand in hand. I help her take a seat, holding both her hands as she slowly lowers into her chair. Her legs and hands are still shaking, my poor girl. God, I should have been there to protect her.

“Trey!” I hear a panicked voice call from behind me. I’m almost certain I’m dreaming when it sounds like Kathy, my stepmom.

Turning my head slightly, my hands still holding Shayla’s, I come face to face with Kathy. Her eyes are red and puffed up from crying. Her hair is a disheveled mess and she looks petrified, like she’s seen a ghost.

“What the fuck is going on? Where’s Dad? Why are you here? Are you okay?” I ask her a stampede of questions; I mean really, what are the odds she’s here. Did Kings tell Lana and Lana told everyone else? News travels fast in our tight-knit group. I search the room looking for my dad, expecting him to be here or walk around the corner.
