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ing her man dinner.” He pauses and nips my lip with his teeth. “To top it off, you’re trying so hard to accept a relationship with Gwen. How could I not be in a good mood?” I smile when I see the lust die in his eyes, gracing me with his vulnerable side.

“I would move mountains to make you happy,” I confess. I really would for this man; he doesn’t know what having his love means to me. Even more so, I never want to go through what we recently did when Pops died. If I have to pretend to deal with his piece of shit mother, then that’s what I’ll do.

“I know you would, you’re perfect.” Falling quiet, our lips touch, a tangle of desire and tongues. His rough hands move up my thighs slowly, finding the lace edge of my panties. Curling his finger around the material against my core, he lets his knuckle barely touch my pussy. He growls into my mouth, his other hand reaching up to squeeze my breast. The sensations feel amazing, his control over me intoxicating.

I whimper into his mouth when he pinches my nipple. Arching my back, our lips part and I moan. Taking the chance, he drops his face to my exposed core. Moving the fabric aside, his tongue lashes against my clit, and I unleash a soft scream.

Just as he starts to eat me with a hunger, I tangle my hands in his hair, unashamedly grinding my pussy against his face. I feel extra horny, more turned on than I have before. I’m not sure if it’s just the turn of events in our life, the engagement, or my constant worry that we may have a setback.

I curse under my breath when we’re interrupted. “My phone.” I try to stop him when I hear the faint sound of my phone ringing incessantly in the background.

“They can fuck off.” He leans back in and reaches his hand up, finding my breasts and giving them each a gentle but forceful squeeze.

I want to let him have his way, but I need to answer that and get back to the food before it burns. What the hell is wrong with me?

“The food will burn and your mom is due any second.” His tongue ceases and I mewl. Looking down at him, he hangs his head and growls.

“I’m not done with you. Got it?” Letting up, he steps back, giving me space to jump down. Fixing my dress, I do my best to find my equilibrium again. Trey smacks my ass then rounds the counter to sit on the stool at our bar top.

I see “Mom” flashing on the screen, making my great mood vanish and sobering me up real quick.

“Shit.” It goes to voicemail, only starting back up in a matter of seconds.

“Who is it?”

I look over my shoulder and see Trey digging into the fruit tray I have on the island. “It’s my mom, I haven’t told her yet but this would be the only reason she would call,” I tell him, holding up my ring finger to stress my point.

“You don’t need to tell her, baby,” he says around the strawberry in his mouth.

“Yes, I do. She may be a bitch but she’s still my mom.” He nods his head in understanding. I tap accept and plaster on my practiced to perfection, overly enthusiastic voice.

“Hey, Mom.”

“‘Hey, Mom’? That’s right, I’m your mother, and once again I have to find out about your life on social media! Why do you treat me so horribly?”

I roll my eyes at her desperate attempt to sound offended. Cut the dang dramatics, Mom.

“I was going to call you when we got back from vacation, which was late yesterday, and I had work today—”

“Your dad was informed.”

“I know, because Trey asked him for permission, Mom.” I’m trying to stay calm, but she is grinding my gears just seconds into this conversation.

“Well, I think I should’ve been asked for permission too, don’t you think?” She huffs out along with her fake sob. Literally, kill me.

“Mom, you would’ve said no, so why does it matter? I would’ve said yes with or without anyone’s permission.” I hear him before I feel him. Grabbing my arm, Trey spins me and huddles me into him before snatching my phone.

Placing it to his ear, he rips into her, “Oh, Erica. I would say it’s nice hearing from you after all these years, but then I’d just be lying to you.” He tilts his head and his lips draw down into a sarcastic frown. “I don’t like the tone or the shit that you’re giving my fiancée right now. Oh, that sounds good, don’t it? Fiancée. Say it with me now, Erica. FI-AN-CÉE. Now that I got your attention, you need to chill out. Because if you keep this crap up with Shay, I won’t let you within a hundred feet of our wedding. Capeesh?”

My eyes widen in horror, I can’t believe he’s defending me like this. I’m undoubtedly screwed. I can hear every couple of words she’s saying, but can’t get the full gist. I watch his face go from angry to satisfied within seconds. I hide my face in his chest.

“No more bullshit, I mean it,” he warns before handing me the phone. Reluctantly, I take it, prepared for utter chaos.

“Mom?” I ask, Trey still glued to my side, gauging my every reaction.

“I’ll be there tomorrow and we will all sit and talk about this.” Her voice is razor sharp, and even the sound of the call ending is icy. I look up at Trey and swallow, now more scared than ever to see my mother.

“Trey. That’s my mom, you can’t just go off on her.” Putting a little space between us, he looks at me in disbelief.
