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It might have been his imagination, but he thought Elizabeth sidled his way a bit. He slid his hand to her back in silent encouragement in case she had a mind to take an actual step.

Aaron laughed. “You only say that because you’re newly married. Just wait around a bit. As a man who’s watched her grow from diapers to pinafores, I’d say you’ve got a few surprises coming.”

“I’m looking forward to them.”

“She has more than a bit of her mother in her.”

Beneath his fingers, Asa felt the start go through Elizabeth’s body. In the wake of the ripple, her muscles pulled taut. He didn’t know why, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out the barb about her mother hurt.

“If her mother was half the woman Elizabeth appears to be, I’ll count myself lucky.”

Aaron’s mouth twisted into a rueful smile. “It’s that appearance that’s going to do you in.”

Elizabeth’s small gasp cut through all Asa’s pretensions toward manners. He slid his hand across Elizabeth’s back until he could curve his fingers around her shoulder and pull her into the protection of his side. “Mister, I don’t know what you were looking for when you came here, but, if it’s trouble, I think you just found it.”

The bastard had the gall to look offended. “Excuse me?”

“I never knew Elizabeth’s mother. I never met her father. But I’ve met Elizabeth and I’ve met you, and, from that, I’m willing to lay money that you figured I was too ignorant, and Elizabeth too much a lady, to comment on an insult you slid into the conversation like it was just another how-de-do.”

“I only meant to say—”

“I have no interest in what you say. I’m more interested in how you say it.” Asa stroked his fingers down Elizabeth’s arm. Damn the son of a bitch! Her muscles were still hauled up as tight as a bowstring.

“Where I come from, if a man plans on picking on a woman, he damned well better expect her husband to come calling.”

“I wasn’t picking on Elizabeth.”

“Uh-huh.” Beneath his hand Elizabeth’s muscles pulled tighter. Probably because she could feel the tension in his own muscles and figured he had more to say on the subject. She’d be right, too. No one was going to take pot-shots at her while he was around. “So, why exactly are you here?”

Asa watched as Aaron bit back his hostility before admitting, “I came to check on Elizabeth.”

No way that was the only reason he was here. “And?”

She assures me she’s fine. The look he sent Elizabeth said he had his doubts.

“Good.” Asa tipped his hat at Aaron. “Then, seeing as you’ve got what you came for, you can be on your way.”

Beside him, Elizabeth gasped. In front of him, Aaron smoldered. In his eyes, Asa read his fury. He also read, for whatever reason, he wasn’t going to push things. That was a pity. Asa would have loved to gut-punch the yahoo. For what he’d said to Elizabeth, and also for eating the last of his cobbler.

“I’ll see you later, Elizabeth.” The man nodded to Elizabeth.

“Thank you for stopping by,” she answered calmly as if the two men on either side of her weren’t bristling with hostility.

The woman had style. She was also quick on her feet. She’d managed to shift so any blows he and Ballard wanted would have to happen over her head.

“I’ll see you out,” Asa volunteered, putting himself between Elizabeth and Ballard.

“That won’t be necessary.” Ballard tipped his hat to Elizabeth. “I know the way to the door.”

Asa smiled. “I wouldn’t dream of upsetting Elizabeth by not showing you out. She sets store by good manners.”

Instead of bristling obligingly at the shot, Ballard visibly relaxed and sent him a glance of what could only be called approval. Asa shook his head as the man retrieved his hat from the rack by the front door. Didn’t anyone around here react predictably?

“If you need any help, don’t hesitate to call,” Ballard offered as he settled his hat on his head. “We’re only an hour’s ride away.”

“I’ll do that.” When hell froze over.

“Say hi to Patricia and little Ron for me,” Elizabeth jumped in.

“I will.”

Affection softened the other man’s face as he looked at Elizabeth. Asa wanted to break the man’s fingers as he brushed them down the side of her cheek and said, “Take care, runt.”

Her “I will” was just as soft, sending knife blades of jealousy ripping into Asa’s guts. Was there more than friendship between the two?

Ballard stepped out the door. Elizabeth quietly shut it behind him. When she turned back to Asa, it didn’t take hard looking to see she was mad as a wet hen. The hands on her hips and the angry flush on her cheeks were dead giveaways. And he knew exactly what she was mad about. She didn’t like the fact that he’d threatened her friend.
