Page 38 of Command Control

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Sadie didn’t reprimand him. And she didn’t let up. She didn’t let him think, not about the past, his mistakes, his grief that had hung like an anchor around his neck for so many long months. Talk about being at her mercy. Right here, right now, the sexy redhead who had burst into his life like a blast of C-4 owned him. And it felt good.

He exploded, coming in a rush. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back. She took everything he had, keeping her lips wrapped around him, her hands stroking him until he was spent.

Logan dropped his arms to his sides and locked his knees, trying his best to stay on his feet. She pulled back and he could feel her body moving, but he didn’t open his eyes. Not yet. He was too far gone.

“Feeling good?” The commanding tone she’d used earlier had disappeared, replaced by her everyday voice.

“Good doesn’t cover it,” he said, opening his eyes. She stood in front of him, the look on her face a combination of sweetness and pure sin. Her lips formed a gentle smile while her eyes shone with mystery. It was as if she was running through a mental playbook of all the things she wanted to do to him next.

“Give me ten and whatever you’re thinking, it’s a go.”

She laughed, the sound washing over him like a caress. “Ten minutes? What do you suggest we do while we wait?”

He pulled her close. Her clothes rubbed up against his bare skin, her hips rocking against him. If she kept that up he might not need the full ten. “You could walk me through what you have in mind for the rest of the night. Tell me what I can do to drive you wild.”

She rested her palms flat against his chest. “You want me to describe it to you?”

Logan nodded, running his hands down her back to her ass. He gave her a squeeze, trapping her against him.

“Next time, I want you inside me.”

“I want that, too,” he said, his voice hoarse.

“But that is all I’m going to tell you now.” Her lips touched his collarbone. “You have my word, no whips. But I need to punish you.” She nipped his chest and he tightened his hold on her. “For disobeying my orders.”

“You might tie me up?”

“Maybe.” Her tongue ran over his nipple.

His entire body responded. Ten minutes was starting to look more like five. The way Sadie commanded his body blew him away.

“That girl in the story,” he said, his mind still flooded with pleasure. “Is that you?”

Her mouth froze and she pulled back. Christ, he’d stuck his foot in his mouth.

“No. I’ve never been afraid to ask for what I want, or go after it, for that matter. But Isabelle—that’s the character—she hit a nerve with women.” Her brow furrowed as she stared at the books behind him.

“I think,” she said, “there are too many women out there who haven’t found their voice. I believe all women should go after what they want. Not just in the bedroom, but in every aspect of their lives.”

“Look at me, Sadie.”

She obeyed.

“I like that about you.” He ran his hands up her back around to her front. Cupping her breasts through her shirt, he ran his thumbs over her nipples. “Tell me, Sadie, what do you want?”

A slow smile formed on her lips and the uncomfortable tension he’d felt a moment earlier subsided.

“What I have in mind involves a bed,” she said. “Think you can manage the drive back to the farm?”

No. After his first blowjob in years, he could barely walk. But the challenge in her eyes had him nodding yes.

“Good. Get dressed, soldier. Unless you want to drive through town naked. I won’t object.”

She slipped from his grasp and he instantly missed the contact. He watched her survey the remains of their dinner, her hands on her hips.

“Do we need to clean up first?”

“No.” He pulled on his jeans, carefully zipping his fly over his semihard dick. For the first time in more months than he wanted to count, he was ready for sex. He wasn’t stopping to do the dishes. “I’ll come back in the morning. And the store is closed tomorrow. Owner’s day off.”
