Page 40 of Command Control

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With one palm on her back and the other on her chest, he obeyed, licking a circle around the perimeter of her areola, staying far from the nipple. He knew she wanted more. He could feel it in the way she shifted, trying to guide his mouth to the more sensitive flesh, but he needed to hear the words.

Sadie let out a frustrated sound. A second later, he felt her hands in his hair, directing his lips to the center of her breast. “There.”

Logan obeyed, drawing her in, sucking and nipping at the sensitive flesh. Sadie arched in his arms. He drew back, releasing her. “This is what you want?”

“We’re getting there.” Her hands ran down the back of his neck over his shoulders. Moving around the front, she began drawing his T-shirt up, bunching the fabric in her hands. She pushed him back and drew it over his head.

Her fingers on the top of his jeans, Sadie stepped away, pulling him with her. “Stand up.”

He shifted off the bed and she undid his pants, pushing them down his thighs. Without waiting for her instructions, he kicked his pants aside. “Now what?”

She tapped her lips. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

“With your big bag of sex toys?” he called after her.

She paused in the door, looking back at him with those mysterious green eyes, her long hair trailing down her naked back. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t have a sex toy collection. I don’t even own a vibrator.”

“Sadie, I can’t promise much. But I can promise you are not going to need a vibrator tonight.”

“I’m going to make sure you are a man of your word, soldier. I might not have a bag of toys, but I can be very creative.”

Logan watched her disappear around the corner. Christ, he wanted this—wanted her. But sitting naked on her bed, alone, doubt crept up on him. Was he ready? Whatever she had planned would probably blow him away. He didn’t need toys. He just wanted her.

“Don’t screw this up,” he muttered.

Sadie returned with condoms in one hand. In the other, she held a spool of pink ribbon. Desire and curiosity pushed aside his misgivings.

“Planning to wrap me up?”

“Yes.” She set the condoms on the bedside table and began unraveling the ribbon. She wore a serious expression, but there was a twinkle in her eyes. Excitement. And it was contagious. He’d never gone to bed with a woman feeling so eager, not just for the sex—though he might go crazy if he didn’t get inside her soon—but to see what she would do next.

“Lie down,” she said. “On your back, hands over your head.”

She waited for him to assume the position before climbing up onto the bed. Kneeling beside his chest, she took hold of his right hand and drew it over to the bedpost.

Logan craned his neck, trying to follow her movements. But Sadie straddled his arm, blocking his view. He could feel her hot and wet against his forearm. He wanted to pull his hand out of her grasp and slide it down, dipping his fingers inside.

“No,” Sadie said as if she could read his mind. He felt the ribbon wrap around his wrist, binding him to the bedpost. When she’d finished, she gave his arm a light tug to test her work. Seemingly satisfied, she repeated the process on the other side. Leaving him tied up, she slipped off and walked around to the foot of the bed, surveying her work.

“Does this turn you on?” he asked, his voice low.

She drew her lower lip into her mouth and nodded. Without a word, she joined him on the bed, moving up his body, driving every inch of him crazy, until she placed one knee on either side of his hips.

Logan closed his eyes. He’d never been so hot and ready. And he had a feeling it had little to do with the pink ribbon. It was Sadie. There was no question in his mind; he wanted this.

He heard the rip of a condom wrapper. A second later, he felt her hands on him, covering him. Logan opened his eyes and watched Sadie shift over him, then lower herself down onto his rock-hard, aching dick. His hips pressed up to meet her, letting her take her time and adjust to him.

“Wow, Logan. Just wow.”

She began to move, rocking her hips, pressing against him. Her hands ran up and down his chest. Her breasts bounced, demanding his attention. But he couldn’t touch, couldn’t taste. It was torture. He thought about breaking the ribbon, but then he felt her muscles tighten.

Sadie moved faster, shifting her hands to his shoulders and then to the mattress on either side of his head. Her nipples grazed his chest as her back arched. She threw her head back, closing her eyes and calling to a higher power. Then it was just his name on her lips again and again, begging him for more.

Her movements stilled until only her hips ground into him. Hard. She moved her hands back to his chest, sitting upright. Her wild-eyed gaze danced over him. He knew the moment she turned her attention to his bound wrists. Her body tensed around him like a vise. She raised her hands to her breasts, teasing and pinching her nipples, drawing out her orgasm. Forgetting about his hands and his desires, he lost himself in her pleasure.

The look in her eyes—it was pure wonder and awe. He saw the frank acknowledgment that he’d given her everything she needed and more. Watching her take her pleasure, knowing he’d given her what she wanted even if it drove him insane, pushed him too close to the edge. He focused on holding back. He didn’t want to come yet. He wasn’t done. Not even close.

* * *
