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Trena took a deep breath. Had James sent the message? With no hard evidence, she could only suspect.

Though whoever sent it had sorely underestimated her. Trena hadn’t come this far only to fold right when the going got good.

No, this was her moment to shine—the moment she’d worked her whole life for—the moment she deserved.

Whoever was bent on bringing her down had no idea what she was capable of.

She settled onto her seat and took a moment to center herself, when she spotted someone who resembled Priya leaving the set. Trena was surprised to see her, since she hadn’t exactly invited her. Still, now that she was there, she might as well hang around and watch. Trena would’ve killed for an opportunity like that at her age.

She was about to call out to Priya when the countdown to broadcast began, and Trena immediately switched gears, cleared her throat, looked directly into the camera, and in her most composed voice said, “Good evening and welcome to In-Depth. I’m Trena Moretti. . . .”
