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Grabbing hold of Laken and Savannah, she dragged them behind her, actually managing to find a free table. She moved the glasses and bottles to one side before sitting with a sigh.

“Damn that man. He’s such a fucking asshole,” Laken said as she sat down.

“Duncan? What do you have against him?” Lila asked. “He’s always been really nice to me and he’s a good friend of Gavin’s.”

“He’s a jerk,” Laken said emphatically. “A bossy, know-it-all, Neanderthal jerk.”

Savannah and Lila looked at each other.

“I don’t know him well,” Savannah said. “But he once stopped to help me when I got a flat tire. I was in the middle of changing it when he pulled up, changed it for me then took my flat one into the garage in town. Of course, he also scolded me the whole time for not calling Logan and Max. They were on round-up and busy. But not too busy for Logan to meet me at home and, well…” she shifted uncomfortably on the chair.

Lila smiled sympathetically while Laken glared. “See, he’s a tattletale as well as a bossy jerk. How dare he tell on you to Logan and scold you. Who does he think he is?”

Savannah shrugged. “I don’t know, I’ve lived in the city where no one really gave a hoot if I was safe or not. I used to walk around the streets late at night, drive too fast, and forget to lock my door. It’s quite nice living here, in a place where the men take care of women, look out for them—”

“Treat them like children, tell them what to do, spank them,” Laken finished.

Lila sighed, really worried about her friend. She seemed so bitter.

Reaching over, Lila grabbed her hand, shocked to see tears well in her friend’s eyes. “Oh, baby, what happened? This isn’t you? Why have you come home? Why are you so angry?”

“Because everything is ruined,” Laken spat out. “My career, my relationship. I was doing so well, I had a great job, friends, and the perfect boyfriend.”

“Ricky?” Lila asked. She’d never met him, but Laken had spoken about him like he was marvelous.

“He was gorgeous and so sweet and he didn’t try to tell me what to do, he let me have my space. We’d just met up at parties or for dinner but we both led our own lives. You know? No pressure.”

Lila thought that sounded like they were friends with benefits rather than in a relationship.

“What happened?” she asked.

Laken glanced up, misery in her eyes. “He cheated on me. I found him with my assistant. Even worse than that, he got me fired. His father owned the company and he and my assistant claimed that I had been bullying her. I got fired.”

“Oh God, honey, I’m so sorry.” Lila drew her close, hugging her tightly.

“I feel so stupid. I had to come home to my parents because I have no savings, I couldn’t afford my rent. I couldn’t even afford food. I’m broke, homeless and jobless. I had to borrow money to come here tonight. Could things get any worse?” she wailed.

Lila and Savannah cuddled in close to her. A waitress dressed in a tight top Lila had ever seen came over with an empty tray to clear their table. Her hair was a dark brown and pulled back into a ponytail that hung down her back.

She didn’t say a word, just started picking up the glasses and bottles.

“Thanks,” Lila said with a smile as the woman picked up a half-empty bottle of beer. The waitress turned, a look of venom on her face.

“No worries,” she snarled then tipped the bottle straight onto Lila’s lap.

“Aww,” Lila cried out, quickly standing and shaking out her dress.

“Hey, what are you doing, bitch?” Laken yelled, standing and leaning over the table as though she were going to push the waitress away. Savannah reached into her purse and pulled out some tissues, dabbing at the wet stain ineffectively.

“Laken, it’s okay, just some beer,” Lila tried to soothe her friend who she knew was more than capable of starting a bar brawl. It had happened before.

“Yeah, ahh, sorry, it was an accident,” the waitress said, not looking one bit apologetic as she scampered away.

“Accident my ass,” Laken said, taking a step as though to follow. Lila reached out and grabbed her arm. “Laken, don’t worry. It doesn’t matter. I do think I’m done for the night, though,” she said, looking down at herself. “I’ll just go tidy up in the bathroom and call Colin. He said he?

?d take us all home.”

Savannah nodded. “I’m getting tired. I’m more than ready to go home.”

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