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He doesn’t respond, instead he leaves his chair and comes to sit beside me. “You may see them, if you wish…”

I can’t help but to look at his mouth where two white fangs elongate down and over his lips. I want to touch them, but I resist.

“Okay you can put them away now,” I say nervously. Slowly they retreat back inside his mouth.

“I am no danger to you Tegan, you don’t need to be afraid of me.”

“I’m not afraid,” I manage.

“I can smell that you are.”

“Is that another of your unique abilities, you can smell how a person feels?”

“Yes, right now you smell like pine, that’s what fear smells like.”

“Well can you blame me? This is all a lot to take in.”

“Will you promise one thing?”

“Depends on what it is.”

“Will you promise to keep this to yourself, to not tell anyone of what we are?” By his words you’d think he was giving me a choice. Like I could say, no deal, honey bunch, I’m off to shout your secret from the rooftops, and he’d be like, oh no please don’t do that. In reality, he’d have to kill me.

“Who would I tell? Anybody I know would say I’m crazy and have me sectioned. And my recent behaviour would make it all seem like perfect sense. As far as my friends are concerned, I’m overdue for a psychotic break.”

“So you’ll keep this a secret,” he finishes.

“Yes.” I gulp. My throat dry with fear.

“I’m putting my faith in you Tegan, don’t let me down.”

“I won’t, I keep my promises, even to vampires.”

“Okay, I’m going to call Lucas and tell him to bring your friend home.”

Ethan goes to his desk to make the call. I’m still not sure if this is reality or some surreal dream, and I can’t wipe the image of Lucas biting into Amanda’s neck from my head. I mean, if vampires are as safe and non-violent as Ethan would have me believe, then why did Lucas look like something out of a horror movie with those red eyes and black veins? Maybe it’s got something to do with the hunt for blood, with their appearance being altered when they go into predator mode.

But this whole revelation also has me wondering about Marcel and Gabriel too, if vampires are real then what if their theories about me are true as well? Did somebody really cast a spell on me when I was a child without my knowing it? Was that somebody my mother? Are there such things as witches too? This is enough to drive me to drugs. If I ever survive this I’m going to end up some old bag lady wandering the city streets rambling on to people about how monsters aren’t just the stuff of fiction.

At this I hear my phone vibrating in my bag, I retrieve it to find several missed calls from Nicky and a text message that reads:

Where are u? Is Amanda with you? Txt back ASAP.

I write back straight away telling her that Amanda has gone home already, because technically she has. I can hear Ethan talking in hushed tones to Lucas in the background telling him to drive Amanda to her place. I also tell her that she can leave and that I’ll make my own way back tonight. I want to tell her what’s really going on, but not in a million years would she believe me. Nicky is already worried about my mental health since I have only just started leaving my apartment after nearly three months of living like I’ve got agoraphobia.

Ethan puts down the phone and is by my side a fraction of a second later, using his vampire speed, and I have to admit it is sort of impressive.

I watch him and remark shakily. “Show off.” My nerves are still at me.

He just grins and tells me politely, “I’ll take you home now, if you would like me to.”

“Yes. Thanks,” I say, though I’m unsure if I can trust him.

He unlocks the door and I follow behind him as he leads me out to the car park. He opens the door of his Cadillac for me, just like the perfect gentleman, and even helps me in. As we pull out of the nightclub we get stuck amid a sea of taxis taking people home. It takes almost a quarter of an hour before we escape the traffic and are on the road in the direction of my apartment. I notice Ethan keeps glancing suspiciously in his rear view mirror.

“Is everything all right?” I ask, wondering what has him on edge.

He hesitates a moment before saying, “Do you see that green van behind us?”
