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“Believe what you will,” says Delilah, “but that is not the case. You are not an average human because no average human can withstand our abilities as you can.”

“And,” says Lucas, “no average human smells quite as appealing to us as you do.”

“Lucas, that is enough from you,” says Ethan in a warning tone.

I look to Lucas for a moment. “Amanda is outside at the bar by the way. I want you to go out there and inform her that you have no inclination to see her again. She’s completely infatuated and it’s bad enough that I’ve become involved in all this, I don’t want my friend in trouble too.”

“You brought her here with you? Why?” he asks.

“Because I stupidly let slip that I was coming to the club today, and she just about bit off my ear to get me to agree to take her with me.” Well, maybe I’m exaggerating that slightly. But Lucas deserves to sweat a little after his horrific performance last night.

“Very well. I will end things,” says Lucas, as he swiftly leaves the office.

“If you hurt her, I’ll hurt you.” I call after him, though I have no idea exactly how I could hurt him. Ethan grins at me approvingly.

Marcel clears his throat. “Well ladies and gents, I hate to be a spoil sport and end the festivities, but myself and Gabriel have business to attend to back home, so if you don’t mind,” he looks at Ethan for permission, “we’ll be on our way.”

“You may go,” replies Ethan, “and I take it I’ll be receiving information from both of you regarding your attempts at breaking this spell very soon.”

“That you will,” says Marcel jovially, “that you will. I’ll be seeing you bright and early on Monday morning Tegan,” he smiles and tips his hat to me.

“Yeah, see you then,” I tell him, mustering a smile in return.

Gabriel rises silently from his seat and leaves the office with Marcel and that neutral vamp David. After they’re gone I find myself alone in the office with Ethan and Delilah, and my stomach seizes this moment to grumble loudly. How mortifying. I remember that the only thing I’ve eaten all day is some tea and toast.

Delilah smiles in my direction and says something in a voice too quiet for me to hear. I rest my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. I’ve slept half the day, but only an hour of dealing with Ethan and company and already I’m desperate for my bed. I rub my eyelids with my fingertips in an effort to make them less sleepy. I will admit one thing though, finding out that Marcel is a male witch and Gabriel a dhamphir was quite the shocker. I mean, once you looked past their enthusiasm for the practice of magic, they did just seem like two very normal men.

Ethan, Lucas, and Delilah on the other hand, well, discovering that they aren’t human actually makes sense. One: they’re as intense as a crash course in race car driving. Two: they speak about things I cannot for the life of me understand. And three: and quite shallowly the very first thing I’d noticed about them, they are so inhumanly beautiful they almost glow. I think of Amanda waiting at the bar and worry that Lucas might not be dealing with her as gentlemanly as I’d prefer. I should go and check on things.

As Delilah leaves the office after exchanging a few words with Ethan in a foreign language, I ask. “So, am I free to leave now too?”

Ethan studies me a moment. “You are hungry, let me feed you.”

“That’s okay, I’ll have something to eat when I get home.” I brush him off.

“I still frighten you,” he replies, a statement not a question.

“I scare easy.” I tell him, though I have to admit, I’m doing pretty well considering I’m sitting in a room with a vampire I’ve witnessed kill five men in cold blood, and not screaming for someone to come and save me.

“You lie. You have the ability to be quite fearless I believe.”

“Well believe me Ethan, I’m far from fearless. Not two weeks ago I could barely step foot outside of my apartment because of an irrational fear that death was following me. Funny isn’t it, that once I decided to brave the outdoors the first people I met were vampires.”

“I have known many suicides in my life Tegan, people kill themselves for numerous reasons. It does not mean that death is following their loved one.”

“Yeah maybe not,” I say on a heavy sigh. “I was distraught. My head was coming up with all sorts of insane reasons as to why Matthew did what he did.”

Ethan comes to sit before me. “Ah the pain, I can sense it in you. It is still so f

resh.” He places a gentle hand on my arm.

“It wasn’t very long ago, but I’m getting better, slowly.”

“I hope that you are,” he replies, taking my hand for a moment and giving it a squeeze.

“I need to go to Amanda,” I tell him, hoping he won’t object.

“Of course,” he says, and makes a hand gesture for me to go ahead.
