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“Shouldn’t Marcel be the one to pay me?” I retort. “He is the boss, after all. I know you’re trying to be nice, because that’s just who you are Gabriel, but I’m not going to take your money. I’m sorry.”

At this I turn and walk away, my arm still linked through Rita’s. I hear footsteps following behind us. Thinking it’s Gabriel, I turn around, but it isn’t, it’s Finn. Gabriel has disappeared back inside the shop.

“What do you want?” I ask in a cutting tone.

“I know what happened with Herrington at Crimson last night, and I know you were there.” He tells me in a smug voice.

“How – how do you know that?” I ask, stunned.

“I have my informants,” is all he says.

“So, why are you telling me this, so what if I was there, what’s your point?”

“Two things,” says Finn. “One, you still haven’t learned your lesson to stay away from the vamps, silly girl. And two, well, there’s been a development and I’m sure you don’t know about it yet since you’ve spent the last hour having some sort of Goth chick get together with witchy-pants here.”

Rita glares but doesn’t say anything.

“Anyway,” Finn continues. “There’s been a rumour going round today that the Sorcerer Theodore has returned to Tribane, I assume you’ve since learned who that is.” He says, eyeing Rita.

“Yeah, so what. I’ve known about that rumour since last night. It’s old news.” I tell him.

Finn laughs. “You’re a hostile one, aren’t you? But yes, I know that you know about that, but that’s not what I came here to tell Marcel, something else has happened. I just thought you’d like to hear it first before the vamps come for you, since they need every advantage they can get now.”

My heart freezes. “What are you talking about?”

“Herrington was murdered last night on the grounds of his estate, shortly after he returned home from Crimson. He’s survived by his wife who has taken temporary control of his position as Governor,” he answers happily.

“But – but the homeless guy, he said Herrington had thirteen days before Theodore took action.”

“Clearly,” says Finn, “that was just a spoof to lead Herrington off the scent. Clearly,” he repeats, “Theodore had no intention of giving Herrington that long to prepare. It’s like when you go to get an injection as a kid and the nurse asks you some benign question to distract you from the fact that she’s about to stick a big scary needle into your arm.”

Speechless, I step back and sit on a nearby window ledge.

“Why would the vampires need me?” I ask, knowing full well why, but curious as to what Finn thinks.

“Cristescu is obviously smitten,” says Finn with distaste. “But is that genuine, or simply because he thinks you’re something he can use to his advantage? Well, now that his Governor’s been murdered he’ll be grabbing every weapon he can. You being one of them.”

I look at Rita, consider asking if I can stay with her so that Ethan can’t find me, I can’t risk him discovering the truth. Even if I am half in love with him already, that doesn’t necessarily mean I trust him. But no, I can’t involve Rita in all of this. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to her while I was staying at her house. And she has her mother to think of. I put my head in my hands, clueless as to what I should do. There’s only so many hours of daylight left for me to find a safe haven.

Rita coughs. “Um, Tegan, I’m sorry to have to do this, but I’m supposed to be meeting Alvie in ten minutes, so I’ve got to go.”

I glance up. “That’s okay Rita, you go. I’ll call you later.”

She nods, a look of worry on her face, before she turns and jogs away up the street.

“Well, well, well,” Finns chimes. “Doesn’t that just leave poor little you all by your lonesome.”

A tear threatens to trickle out of the corner of my eye before I blink it away and gather myself. “You’ve said your piece, now leave me alone Finn.” I stand up and make my way down the street. Finn follows along beside me.

“Aw, come on, I was just kidding. Aren’t you gonna thank me for warning you about all this? Marcel thought we should keep you in the dark, you know. It was

Gabriel and I who decided you should be told.”

I stop and look at him. “Thank you.” I hiss. “Now, goodbye.” I speed walk away, but Finn continues to follow me.

“You can’t just go home,” he says, skipping along. “That’s the first place Cristescu’s gonna look for you as soon as the sun goes down. You’ll have to think of somewhere better than that.”

“I have a friend I can stay with.” I answer sharply.
