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“A human yes, but die Äußerste Macht also. Quite the find I must say.” Theodore laughs coldly.

“How do you know that?” I ask in bewilderment.

“I see everything my dear little child. Now come, I am taking you with me.” He puts his hand out and grabs my arm, pulling me up without any effort at all. His hand feels like claws digging into my skin.

I try to jerk away but it’s no use. He feels me make a move to break free of him and his eyes find me, scolding my actions with the briefest of looks.

“Let go of me!” I scream, hoping that someone will hear, perhaps Ethan, and come to my assistance. Theodore raises his hand and makes a small pushing motion and suddenly it feels as though somebody has stuffed a sock in my mouth. I heave and choke on it, unable to make a sound.

A fraction of a second later, as Theodore appears to be getting ready to cast another spell, a massive metal chain comes whipping into my sight. It folds itself around Theodore’s neck and his grip on me falls away. I stumble backwards to see Dru pulling the chain on him.

“Run now!” she shouts at me, and I follow her orders just as Theodore manages to grab onto the chain and cause it to melt away into liquid. Dru lets go of the chain that is now burning orange, but I don’t stick around to see what happens next. I run as fast as my legs will carry me, and that isn’t very fast since I can barely breathe after that blow I took earlier. I’d thought Theodore had been gaining the upper hand by melting the chain, but that must not be the case because I can hear him wail out in agony as I’m stumbling away from them.

I’m still running a few minutes later, back in the direction of the city, when I hear somebody jog up beside me. Thinking it might be Theodore coming after me I quicken my pace, but then a hand pulls me back.

“It’s okay, it’s just me,” says Dru, not panting at all, despite having been running. I, on the other hand, am completely out of breath.

I fall back into her. “Oh thank God, I thought it was him again, I – thank you for helping me.”

“Not a problem. I managed to break his casting hand, that’ll keep him out of action for a couple of hours before he figures out some way to heal it.”

“How did you know which hand he casts with?”

Dru grins and scratches her jaw. “I didn’t, I just broke them both for good measure.”

We’re far away from the port now, but you can still hear the sounds of the riot. Shouts and bangs and things being broken. I try to catch my breath, my chest heaves up and down frantically. At least whatever spell Theodore had cast to shut me up is gone. But now that the imminent danger has abated I can feel the pain in my ribs again, I put my arm around myself, holding onto the painful part. I must have been so afraid of Theodore, because I don’t know how I ran this far, I can barely breathe as it is.

“Are you hurt?” Dru asks with concern.

“I took a bit of a kick to the stomach from someone running by when I fell, I think I might have cracked a rib.” I cough.

“Oh shit,” she says, sucking in a breath. “You want some blood to heal it?”

“Huh? What do you mean?” I ask in confusion, trying to feel past the agony.

“Vampire blood, it can heal human ailments. Physical stuff, like wounds and broken bones, didn’t you know that?”

“Um – no, but I think I’ll pass, I need to go to the hospital.”

Dru smirks. “Don’t be such a baby, I’ll give you some blood and you’ll be right as rain in a few minutes. It will take weeks for you to heal naturally.”

I sit down on the curb and try to think clearly. Under normal circumstances I would never even consider it, but right now I will do anything to be free of this absolute agony.

“How much would I need to take?” I ask in an unsure voice. Dru smiles and comes to sit down beside me.

“Not a lot,” she answers, “two or three mouthfuls at most.”

My stomach heaves in protest at the idea of it, but I try my best to ignore it. “Okay, let’s get it over with then.”

Dru smiles. “You could be a little more grateful, it isn’t often that I make an offer like this to a human.”

I struggle not to roll my eyes, after all, I’m the one who’s going to have to drink her horrible vampire blood. “Fine. Thank you. I’m oh so very grateful,” I tell her. Unfortunately, my sarcasm doesn’t manage to evade her. She quirks an eyebrow and shakes her head.

“You haven’t had vampire blood before, have you?” she asks.

“Nope,” I answer past another twinge of pain, every breath hurts.

“Right,” she replies, with some kind of unspoken knowledge in her eyes. I haven’t got the energy to question it. Then she lifts her arm up and bears two sharp white fangs, she bites into her own wrist, breaking the skin for me, before raising it to my mouth. Nervously, I lean in and gently put my lips to her skin. I’m too embarrassed to go ahead and begin sucking so I simply kiss away a drop that’s running down from where she pierced the skin.
