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“Is there any way to get the medicines here in Tribane? There are so many supernaturals in this city. There must be someone who could provide them.”

Edwards shakes his head. “Tribane has lots of vampires and witches, but very few demons, if any. London though, is the demon capital of the world. Every city has varying populations of different kinds of supernaturals.”

“So what you’re basically saying is my dad can’t be healed here; he needs to go home with you?”

“Yes. The sooner we leave the better.”

I stare at my dad in despair. I can’t be selfish in this matter. Whatever has to happen for him to be himself again, I’m going to do it for him. Gathering my resolve, I say, “I’ll go book some flights then.”

Edwards seems happy about this, but he can see that I’m miserable so he doesn’t act overly enthusiastic, even though I can tell he’s dying to get home.

After I’ve booked the flights I assist Edwards in cleaning up my father. I get a couple whacks from him, and even a head butt. It irritates me that I’m the one he won’t tolerate, while he’s as passive as a teddy bear when Edwards tries to manoeuvre him. I had to run to a men’s clothing store to get a couple outfits for my dad. I even get him a small suitcase and pack it with as many items as I think he might find comforting when he finally becomes his old self again.

After our little encounter this morning, I feel like it would be presumptuous to ask Finn to drive us to the airport, so I splash out on a taxi instead. Once we have my dad dressed and cleaned up he looks almost normal. Edwards gives him some different medicine before we leave, informing me that it will keep him calm during the flight. There will be a car waiting for them at the airport in England to take them straight home.

I momentarily consider going with them. After all, I had always planned on going back to Manchester. I don’t feel like I can leave though. Like Ethan said, sometimes places take a hold of you and leaving isn’t as simple as it seems. It would be highly inconsiderate of me to just up and go anyway, especially since there’s so much going on that involves me. It hurts my heart when I think about leaving any of my friends behind. And Rita is so vulnerable right now. I feel it’s my duty to make sure she gets better.

I want to hug my dad before he and Edwards go through the departures gate, but his body language informs me that would be a bad idea. I stare into his eyes one last time before they go, and within them it’s almost like I can see my dad in there, struggling to break past the infestation. Hopefully he’ll be home and well again soon, but for some reason I doubt things will be that simple. They never are. I say my thanks to Edwards and then they’re gone.

I’m left standing all alone in the middle of the busy airport.

Chapter Sixteen

I Got Dark Only To Shine

Similar to when I found myself in the middle of the riots on Campion Row, the atmosphere in the airport begins to change. The place doesn’t feel busy in a normal way anymore; it feels busy in an aggressive way, in a way that makes you think things are about to get out of control.

The people who were once hurrying by one another in a mannerly fashion are now beginning to bump into each other, or telling one another to watch where they’re (fucking) going. This can’t be good.

I walk outside, feeling the need to get away from the aggression. I hop straight into a taxi and tell the driver to take me to Finn’s place. The airport is just a little outside of Tribane, and as we’re pulling onto the motorway my eyes are drawn upwards, where I can see the skyline of the city as we approach it.

I die inside a little at that moment.

My heart goes thump, thump, thump.

Because hovering there in the sky is a d

arkening cloud of chaos mist.

I watch as more and more bits rise up to join it, forming an enormous black mass. It looks like a hazy dark claw, reaching forward to crush the city within its powerful grip. But then when my eyes take in the entire picture I realise that it actually looks a little like a crow, like Theodore’s totem animal.

Swallowing hard, I tell myself that I need to make a decision. Something is happening. Either the mists are becoming stronger and taking over the city on their own, or Theodore is manipulating them to do so. Do I continue on into the centre of it, or do I tell the driver to turn around and take me as far away as possible?

The coward in me wants to run, but the magic inside of me urges me to stand and fight. Tribane might be a lonely and mysterious place, but it’s my lonely and mysterious place. And it’s where my friends are, where Ethan is. After last night, I can no longer pretend to be unfeeling when it comes to the vampire, my vampire. Oh God, that just sounds so wrong, but it’s true.

Decision made, I don’t say a word to the driver as he brings me right into the city. I may not be a match for Theodore, but I can damn well try my hardest to be a major bump in his road to tyranny.

Minutes later the taxi stops at Finn’s house. As I get out I see a group of neighbours shouting and acting rowdy as they cheer on two women who are beating the living hell out of each other. A couple of teenage boys are throwing bricks at houses to smash in the windows. Since things have taken a turn for the worse, there’s no sense in me keeping my talents to myself. Not to mention their actions are making me angry, especially when I see them go to smash Finn’s windows.

“Hey, don’t even think about it,” I call, approaching the ringleader who has a big jagged rock clutched in his hand. He turns to me, sneers, and calls me a name that doesn’t bear repeating. Well, I’m not having that.

I can almost visualise my magic shooting through my body as I swing both arms above my head, creating a stream of sparks, before throwing them at the teenagers. They screech and swear when they get hit; it certainly takes the wind out of their sails. I feel like doing a little dance of triumph.

I didn’t attack these boys with the intention of hurting them, but let’s face it, someone had to shock them out of their madness. They haven’t been fully infected by the mist yet, I can tell. They’re just going a little nutty with it being so heavy in the atmosphere. The effect of the sparks is half burn, half electrocution now. I’m really starting to take to these powers of mine.

The ringleader comes raging at me. He’s no longer aiming his rock at Finn’s window, now he’s aiming it right at me. Just then I feel someone come up behind me. I’m about to turn and defend myself when I see Ethan, fangs out, eyes red, black veins marring his skin.

“Jesus,” says the teenager in fright, as Ethan hisses at him. He drops the rock and runs off after his friends. I guess red vampire eyes are far more frightening than my glittery witch sparks.
