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There was something wrong, something working in her mind, under her skin, that wasn’t Bella. Her suspicions were confirmed when she was suddenly jerked into a sitting position by an unseen force and her bare feet slid to the floor of their own accord.

The voice. The movements of her body. Something was horribly wrong.

The terror that coursed through her at the realization was almost enough to banish her painful desire.

Almost…but not quite.

Don’t fight this. You want him. You crave the feel of him inside of you, reaching into your womb, giving you a child, the next in your line, the girl who will carry on your legacy.

“No.” Bella tried to scream, but the sound came out a hoarse whisper. Then, as if in a dream, she watched her arms grip the bottom of her nightgown and pull at the gauzy fabric until it floated quietly over her head.

Touch yourself, Bella. Ready your body for him.

Bella moaned into the night as her hands rose to roll her nipples between her fingers and thumbs, plucking and teasing until her breasts were heavy and swollen. Her sex became a painful, throbbing place, filled with so much need, so much hunger, that she knew there would be no turning back. She would take him. Even if the voice and its accompanying power over her body were to fade at this very moment, she would still cross the room, rip the sheets from Heath’s sleeping form, and claim him like a woman possessed.

“A woman possessed.” The words resonated through the eerie quiet of the cottage, as did her sharp gasp as one hand left her nipple and slid down between her legs.

She felt her fingers part her curls almost as if they weren’t her own. They teased her swollen flesh for a moment, sliding through her slick folds. Then her middle finger worked even further down, dipping into her pussy, bringing back wetness to coat her clit. Her fingers flew over the bundle of nerves, teasing the nub.

“Oh,” Bella whispered, her knees threatening to buckle and her body to shatter right there in the middle of the wooden floor.

Good girl.

The voice whispered once more inside her mind. Then it was gone as quickly as it had come, taking its power over her body with it, leaving her so filled with frustrated desire that she shook and trembled.

The night was suddenly colder than she could bear. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she clenched her hands together, bringing her knuckles to her mouth and struggling to come back to herself, to find the rational woman she knew was somewhere inside the carnal creature she had become.

Unbidden, her eyes found Heath’s sleeping form only a few feet away. He was on his side, his face turned toward her, his lips slightly parted in a way that made them look even more delicious. He looked younger, softer and even more loveable. The innocence that sleep brings should have made her go back to her own bed and find release on her pillow. It should have cleared her mind enough to prevent what had a few seconds ago seemed inevitable.

But it didn’t. She didn’t.

As she crossed the last few steps to his bed and gently rolled him onto his back, Bella knew she was making a mistake she would regret for the rest of her life. But she didn’t care; she couldn’t care about anything except satisfying the sanity-stealing desire that had become her entire world.

She knew of only one way to remove it, satisfy it, eradicate it, one way to get back to who she really was without this unbelievable hunger.


?Bella?” Heath was still half asleep as she parted the opening of his silk boxers and removed his cock—which was indeed hard, thick and ready, just as the voice had said it would be.

“Heath, wake up,” Bella whispered as she reached down and spread her sex, positioning the head of him against her slick, aching center. She didn’t want him to be asleep or for this to be something he might regret when he woke up and realized what she’d done.

“I was just dreaming about you—oh yes, Bella. Yes!” He woke up faster than she would have believed possible. In seconds his hands were on her hips, fingers digging into her flesh as he pulled her down to meet the sharp upward thrust of his hips.

In the first instant that his thickness tunneled deep inside, there was a flash of pain and a sensation of being stretched past capacity. Then the pain was gone, replaced by the euphoria of feeling him inside her and of being more intimately joined than she had thought possible. She looked down into his face, seeing a hunger and need that rivaled her own. His face contorted in a grimace of pleasure that was strangely beautiful, and she knew, right or wrong, he’d wanted this just as much as she had.

“Lean down, give me your tits,” he moaned and Bella obeyed, not even caring that he’d used the word “tits” once his mouth closed around her nipple and he began to suckle her. His tongue flicked in swift circles around her puckered tip until the tension within her built to yet another level, making her forget everything but her desire.

“Yes,” she gasped the word against his mouth as he kissed her hard enough to bruise her lips.

She rode his cock with a frantic rhythm even faster than the steel hands on her hips were urging. In seconds, he gave up on setting their speed, his hands stealing around to cup her ass. His fingers dug into her flesh, leveraging her thrusts in a new direction, a direction that had her clit rolling over his pubic bone again and again.

“Heath,” she pleaded, not knowing what was going to happen next, but knowing she needed it more than she’d ever needed anything. She was shaking, breathless, drunk on a kind of pleasure she still couldn’t believe was real.

“Come on my cock, Bella, come on me,” he demanded softly into her ear, and for some reason those words were all she needed.

She cried out as she came, hearing herself as if she were listening from across the room. Her spirit filled every corner, soared to the rafters, her essence floating out through the chimney as the pure bliss of his hands on her, his cock inside of her, made her explode past the boundaries of her skin.

She had become something different, a being of energy and pleasure that existed outside the constraints of time and flesh.
