Page 38 of Perfect Notes

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“Pick up your clarinet.”

His instruction forced me to expose myself fully. I held Nettie tightly, wishing she could speak to me, reassure me.

I would have to play loud to cover up my pounding heartbeats, breathe deeply to stop my lungs panting into the clarinet. My legs would have to be planted on the heated floor to stop them shaking. I mentally prepared myself.

Humiliated? Perhaps, a little. Intrigued by his request—most definitely.

The black blindfold appeared almost magically from a pocket, which made me think he’d planned this little show sometime earlier in the day—after the bath?

He sauntered behind me and placed the cloth around my eyes. “You’re safe, but I’d rather decide when you get to take it off.”

Blackness descended. My adrenaline levels shot up and flooded my belly with a multitude of tiny butterflies. He gently grasped my elbow and guided me to what must have been the middle of the room, away from the piano. “You’re facing the window. Don’t worry, we’re not overlooked.”

I dredged up a lungful of air, put Nettie in my mouth and started my solo passage.

I stumbled over my notes, badly. Nervousness wrecked my performance. He must have been watching me somewhere in the room as I blustered discordantly to a whimpering conclusion. All I could think about was my skinny, pale body and my pointed elbows sticking out. Nothing pleasing about that.

“Callie. Do it again, and this time concentrate on the music. You look incredible.”

Words of encouragement. I needed them. I let Nettie slip out of my mouth and took a moment to compose my shattered nerves. Why was this so difficult? Nobody but Stefan to watch, and he’d seen me naked plenty. I reminded myself that what Stefan and I had in common was our passion for music.

I fingered Nettie’s keys. I focused on the muscles in my throat—they needed to relax to improve my tone. Next, my diaphragm and stomach muscles—they had to work harder. I stood straighter, shoulders back and elbows raised, giving my chest space to expand.

With Nettie back in my mouth, I inhaled deeply and started again.

The darkness didn’t bother me. I often played with my eyes shut and the music imprinted on the backs of my eyelids. A shimmer of light sneaked in below the blindfold and it stopped me from losing my balance. Other than that, I had no sense of where Stefan was in the room.

I sang out, trying to imagine I was in a vast concert hall and the orchestra behind me. My nudity and sense of vulnerability vanished. I became the musician and nothing else.

No applause greeted my final note, only a hot shot of breath on the nape of my neck Fuck, he was closer than I’d imagined.

“Beautiful,” he uttered in my ear.

I lifted a hand to remove the blindfold.

“No. Leave it.”

The clarinet left my other hand, and I heard the gentle clatter as he placed her on the piano. If my heart had pounded earlier, it boomed now. A rapid thundering beat against my breastbone.

“Has that little performance improved your confidence?” He’d returned to my side, brushing against me. I detected naked skin. He must have stripped quietly during my rendition.

“Yes,” I said softly.

“Prove it.”

I don’t know what came over me. I slowly pivoted around to face him. His warm breath blew over my cheek. I reached out to touch his chest and found his curly hairs. Sliding my hands down, I used them to guide me. As I sank onto my knees, his cock, upright, caught me on my descent and my chin knocked his erection.

My knees took my weight, and I cupped his soft balls in my hands. I replaced Nettie’s mouthpiece with another stiff object. This one tasted glorious, smooth, unlike a rough reed, and it filled my mouth. I drew in my cheeks and sucked him in.

I gifted him the best blow job I’d ever managed. Micah had made them feel cheap and dirty. Stefan, with scarcely any tuition on his part, had taught me patience. How to tease, use my tongue, take deep breaths and tolerate his bulbous head deep in my throat.

I worked my hands around his shaft in tandem with my mouth, drawing up his velvety skin and squeezing gently until I provoked a moan from him. A quiet murmur of delight from above my head inspired me to keep going.

He touched my coiffured hair and combed his fingers through the strands as I bobbed up and down on his delicious cock.

“Fuck,” he growled. “You’re going to make me come again.”

I went deeper.
