Page 75 of Perfect Notes

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“We’ll make the bed wet,” I pointed out.

He stood over me and grinned. “I’m damn sure we’re going to make this bed feel wet.”

Oh, hell! He’d only just begun. The eager expression on his face said it all. The night was young—our last night before I returned to England—and Stefan wanted to leave a lasting impression.

He hooked my legs up over his arms, folding me backward, and leaned over, poised to penetrate my open pussy. With his hands planted on either side of my head, he pinned me, pressing me down. He nudged the tip of his cock in my entrance, tinkering with its rim. I scrunched the bedcover into balls with my fisting fingers and splayed myself as wide as I could tolerate.

He thrust with a mighty swoop of his hips. The head of his cock rammed into my pussy with no give. I wanted to arch my back, to angle my pelvis to meet his pounding thrusts, but his arms pinned me in place, capturing me in an embrace. I thrashed my head from side to side, muttering sounds in combination with his enthusiastic grunts.

All sense of decorum left me. I cursed, crying out expletives and, unable to cope with visual stimuli, I kept my eyes shut. My nervous system focused on one activity, the bundle of nerves at the apex of my thighs, which fired off waves of contractions, clenching my pussy tightly about him. I don’t how I managed to keep going and absorb my orgasm. Another intense one, which rippled on and on.

Stefan stilled. I opened my eyes to see a strange expression of relief cross his face as he juddered. Each thrust delivered a spurt of his hot cum and he accompanied it with a long, breathless groan.

I didn’t want his weight to flop on me. My groined ached and couldn’t take the strenuous position for one more second. I thumped his chest, shaking him out of his post-orgasmic reverie. With a shove of my palms, he got the message and slumped to one side, panting and moaning.

That was when I drifted off, having dragged my body across the bed to find a pillow to rest my head on. I didn’t care that I had wet hair. Stefan moved too. Heaving his body behind me, he spooned me, fitting us together like two jigsaw pieces. I sighed, a long exhale of satisfaction.

Below, my pussy throbbed, sore and well used. I didn’t mind in the slightest.

* * * *

The next time I stirred, it was in the middle of the night. Pitch-blackness greeted me. I guessed that Stefan had covered me. He generally woke and ensured that I was comfortable in my stupor. He’d even placed a towel under my head. The damp fibers brushed my cheek. With a tug, I removed it and dropped it by the side of the bed. The cotton fabric of my pillow felt smooth and warm.

“All right?” he murmured in the darkness.

“Yes.” I flopped onto my back, reached out and found his thigh with my hand. I gave it a squeeze.

“I woke earlier. Went to check on Dad. You’ve been out of it,” he whispered.

“Fuck, it’s dark,” I blurted with a giggle. With no streetlights outside or shining moon, the room smothered me with a heavy layer of blackness. “I miss the amber glow of the city lights.” I smacked my dry lips together.

“There’s water on the bedside,” he said.

“Oh, thanks.?

?? Finding it was a challenge. I really didn’t want to dazzle my eyes by switching on a light. I fumbled about, searching with my fingertips until I found the tumbler. I gulped down the tepid water in one go.

Lying on my side, I snuggled against Stefan, draped my arm over his chest and kissed his shoulder with my moistened lips. I stroked the soft hairs about his breastbone, purring to myself with contentment. I felt neither sleepy nor fully awake. Whatever dreams I’d been having quickly vacated my mind, leaving me unsure what to think about. Stefan’s chest rose and fell rhythmically—a hypnotic sensation—and it entranced me.

Stefan sighed. “You bewitch me,” he said.

I startled. I thought he’d gone back to sleep. “In a nice way?”

“In a beguiling kind of way.”

I smirked in the darkness. “Funny, I was just thinking how mesmerizing you can be to me. The way your body enthralls me. I’m captivated.”

“Not a bad thing, is it?” He touched my thigh, a caress of his fingertips.

“No. Sex with you is magical. Off the scale. You never cease to surprise me, which I like.” I spiraled a hair about my finger and tugged.

“Ouch!” he snapped.

“Wuss,” I teased. I released his trapped tuft. “Will you always be like…what you are in bed? With sex, I mean?”


“Yes, I suppose that is what I mean. Controlling, alpha-male type thing.”
