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The sea’s moisture penetrated her clothing, bringing the scent of a stringent soap to his nose along with the spiced fragrance he’d noticed. But he inhaled again—because mixed with her skin, the soap reminded him of a woman’s purity—something he’d never felt before in his arms.

He savoured the moments with her and, for the first time since the newness had worn thin, relished a moment at sea.

‘I think you’ve impressed the men enough with your mastery over me now,’ she whispered. ‘You may release me.’

He didn’t answer immediately. Instead he lowered his head. ‘I do not think they are convinced—yet,’ and as he said the last word, his lips tasted the skin at her neck. He wasn’t disappointed.

A shrill, vulgar whistle interrupted and he pulled back.

‘I cannot believe you men are ignoring your duties,’ he called out after he’d turned his head so he could raise his voice without hurting her ear, ‘simply because Melina cannot stay from my side.’

He heard her intake of breath, but before she could speak, he put his fingers lightly over her arm. ‘Don’t say more,’ he whispered, ‘and they’ll go back to their work.’

She gave a quick nod and he dropped his fingers.

‘Melina.’ He made sure no one could hear. ‘If I release you...’ inwardly he cursed himself ‘...will you go straight back to the cabin?’

She opened her mouth to speak and then took a breath before answering. ‘Yes, but...’

‘You may stay if you wish.’

Her voice was hushed. ‘The room—the walls—it reminds me of a cave... I hate caves...’

He held her waist and his hand instantly warmed from her skin. ‘I understand. I was daft to step foot on this ship. I never plan to let my feet leave dry land again—but I’m pleased I sailed. I saw what I left behind.’

‘Your wife is gone, but you have a woman there you care for?’

He shook his head. ‘I do not.’ He heard the coarseness of his tone and softened his words, speaking low, near her ear. ‘I’ve spent little time with a woman this past year.’ A breeze blew over his face and whipped at his clothing.

‘My wife, Cass, died nearly a year ago, or beyond,’ he said. ‘I’m not sure. I refuse to remember the dates. The days. She left behind two children. But I have to get home to my son. I’ve left him too much. I had him brought to my town house to visit me, but I’ve not returned to Whitegate since my wife died.’ He paused. ‘No. I have no woman. I have not had one for a long time.’

‘I would have still bargained with you had you been wed. I had to leave.’

‘I understand.’ His lips were only a shudder from her ear, and he let his face rest against her head. ‘But my brother would be holding you now, not I, if I still had a wife at home.’ She shivered, but he didn’t know if it was from his actions or his words or his nearness.

‘Truly?’ she asked.

‘Yes, I suppose. Perhaps not. But Ben would have known had I been untrue to Cass and that would have bothered me, though he wouldn’t have cared. As I am the eldest, I should lead the family.’

‘Not all the oldest of the family lead.’ Her voice, soft, brushed against him like a caress. ‘My mother cared for us on Melos. Father would leave for a long time and then he would return, laughing at how much we’d grown. Sometimes he would stay a short while. Sometimes a year or more. Mother still took care of our home just as she did when alone.’

‘My wife left all in the hands of the servants, but they took great care not to anger her.’ He’d never spoken such to anyone. Nights with poor sleep and wondering if he might die when the ship caught ablaze, and then having such warmth in his arms melted into him had loosened his tongue. And made his memories not so harsh.

‘In her youth,’ he continued, ‘my wife nearly died and her family feared for her life.’ He brushed at the hair fallen from Melina’s pins. She had as much of her locks on her shoulders as she had in place. ‘Her parents adored Cassandra. Plus, she was a beauty and they treated her as porcelain. Her older sister, Daphne, missed Cass when we married, so I welcomed Daphne to visit. Daph loved her sister so much. In no time, Daphne was family to me and Cassandra was a doll we both adored.’

He stepped back, moving aside. The talk of Cass had stirred unpleasant memories. And he had a woman in his arms who could take his mind from Cassandra. Now was not the moment to think of the past. Any longer with Melina and he would not be able to keep his hands from roaming her body. ‘Your hair is falling to your shoulders. Go to the cabin and try to sleep if you can,’ he directed her, feeling a distant coolness replacing the warmth of having her close. ‘I will follow soon.’
