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‘Then she must have a man in London who wants the stone. A sweetheart she hopes to see again.’ He grinned at Stubby. ‘But she does keep good company. Believed me when I had her searching for a toothpick.’

The boy, only a hint of bruising left on his face, glared at Ben.

Ben winked at Stubby. ‘Every cabin boy has to search for a silver toothpick. Proves their mettle by how long and deep they dig before giving up.’

Warrington looked at Stub’s mutinous jaw. ‘He did save your skin and I did tell you not to come on deck.’

The little face didn’t soften. ‘Well, my looks is ruined for ever. Now I don’t know how I’ll get me a woman when we get to London.’

‘Stubby.’ The shocked word shot from both Warrington and Ben at the same time.

‘The men say they can’t wait to get home and get a woman,’ Stubby said. ‘They be wantin’ her apple dumplin’ or a tart. I like confectioneries and if I have to smile pretty at a lady to get me some sweets...’ he showed a toothy smile and touched his stomach ‘...then I be plannin’ to have a belly full of smiles.’

War looked at Ben. ‘You need to have a talk with him. If you can figure it out yourself.’

‘I’ll tell Gid to explain—’ He stopped. ‘No. Cook would be better.’ Ben sat, rubbing his knee, and grimaced in pain. ‘Not so sure our lovely Melina doesn’t have some bad luck with her. A lifetime of sailing and I’ve never been hurt this bad.’ He probed against the trouser leg. ‘I suppose I should have expected it. We do have a woman on board. Never know whether they’ll be bad or good fortune until afterwards.’

‘You’ve spent too long bobbing about. You’re starting to sound like Gidley.’ Warrington kept his fingers on the open door, ready to go to his cabin. Stubby stood listening, nodding as if he’d sailed a score of years and seen everything to see.

Ben’s voice lowered, and he fell back on the bed. ‘I shouldn’t have sent you in my place to meet Melina. I would have just...’ he raised a brow at Warrington ‘...put a smile on her face and we would have sailed smoothly home.’

‘You may be right. You see me unhurt. I put a smile on her face.’

Ben interlaced his fingers on his chest and turned his head towards Stubby. ‘Go get Gid. Tell him I need him. The earl’s imaginations are giving me pains.’

When the door closed behind the lad, Ben’s eyes darted to Warrington’s face. ‘I don’t trust her. You won’t keep her near once you get to land?’

Warrington didn’t immediately speak and he frowned. ‘When it is your concern, I’ll tell you. But, no. She’ll be on her way soon after we dock. I’ll remain in London a few extra days because I have to meet with the Foreign Office. Then I’ll see Jacob and deal with...Whitegate. I can’t leave it all in Dane’s hands for ever. He’ll be wanting to get back to his confectioneries.’

Ben turned his head to the wall, but his words carried directly to Warrington. ‘Don’t make the same mistake twice.’

War stepped out of the door. The same mistake twice.

When the sea air hit his face, he slowed, thinking. Dane had been wobbly-legged foxed one night after Cass died and damn near cried when he told Warrington how they’d hated Cass. They’d seen the truth before he had. With Melina, he didn’t need to be warned. Just like Cass, she made her plans and only said enough to further them. A woman in a household wasn’t necessary or needed. He’d had enough of broken crockery, tears and lies to last a lifetime. The whirling dream of love he’d had had turned into a whirling nightmare of the wrong kind of passion.

Instead of going directly to his cabin—or whatever part of it he might share—Warrington paced the deck, trying not to long for Melina’s touch. Every time his heart beat, desire pumped through his veins. He shook his head gently, trying to force her from his mind, but he couldn’t. And his feet didn’t co-operate and wouldn’t take him a second turn around the ship, or let him stay out in the air. He had to get back to her.

When he walked into the room, he looked to the floor. Melina lay fully dressed on the pallet. Her hair still remained in a twist and she had the shawl pulled over her for a cover. Her half-parted lips and regular breathing reassured him. She hardly looked old enough to be the woman she was.

He knelt, his fingers barely grazing the skin of her cheek. ‘Wake.’
