Page 59 of Private (Private 1)

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Justine saw a familiar exit sign and made a snap decision. She took the off-ramp and turned in the direction of Bobby’s house.

Bobby had a way of quieting her anxiety. Maybe he could reason with Peggy Castiglia. If not, he could start legal proceedings to get her daughter’s cooperation.

Okay, good.

Bobby’s car was parked in the narrow one-car spot that clung to the sloping roadway above his house. Justine parked on the verge of the hill, walked through the gate, and rang the bell. When Bobby didn’t answer right away, she took the familiar stone path around to the vast back lawn with its extraordinary canyon view.

She slipped off her shoes and let her feet feel lush grass.

Then she saw him. Bobby was in the hot tub, so Justine called out, “Bob. I’m returning your call.”

He stood up in a self-conscious crouch—and that’s when Justine saw that a woman was in the hot tub with Bobby. She was naked.

Chapter 76

JUSTINE TOOK IT all in at once. The woman in the tub screamed, then covered her small breasts with both hands. Bobby’s face contorted with anger as he called out, “Justine. Stay right there.”

He patted the edge of the hot tub for his glasses while his “date,” bright pink from the heat, shouted at him, “Get me my robe. Please, I need my robe!”

Justine recognized the naked woman now. She was Bobby’s wife, Marissa, the woman he’d separated from over a year ago, the one he didn’t love anymore, the one who had moved to Phoenix and was ready to sign the divorce papers any day.

Justine’s guts liquefied, then froze. She was so disappointed and so hurt.

She wanted to run, but it would be better to do the hard thing. Face the truth. Get answers.

She had a pretty good idea why Marissa Petino was here, but she had to ask anyway.

Justine’s feet carried her within speaking range of the hot tub. She said to Marissa Petino, “I’m Justine Smith. I’m sorry to interrupt. I thought Bobby would be alone.”

Marissa clutched a robe to her chest, turned blazing eyes on her husband.

“Bobby, who is this?”

Justine said, “Bobby and I have been seeing each other for—what, Bobby? About a year?”

Bobby had tucked a towel around his waist. His glasses were perched at a cockeyed angle on his nose. He looked as though he’d lost his cool in the hot tub, and Bobby hated that. The man had to be in control.

“Justine, damn it. This is damned crazy, you know that? Let’s go. I’ll walk you to the gate.”

Justine ignored Bobby and said to Marissa, “Just bear with me, please. Did Bobby tell you he’s running for governor?”

“What do you mean? Of course he told me. You mean you’re seeing him now?”

Bobby stood between Marissa and Justine, his face so red that Justine thought he was going to try and punch her.

“I wouldn’t have told you this way,” he said. “You shouldn’t have come here without calling.”

“I loved you,” said Justine. “I trusted you.”

“I never promised you anything. I never lied to you.”

Justine slapped him and saw her handprint white against his cheek. “Everything was a lie,” she said. “Don’t you even understand that?”

Marissa Petino cinched her robe and faced her husband. “I get it now, Bobby. Running for governor with your wife plays better than running with your girlfriend.”

“Please, Marissa, please let’s talk about this later,” Bobby said.

“I don’t want a ‘later.’ And thanks, Justine. I appreciate the reminder of what a snake my soon-to-be-ex husband is.”
