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“For you to kiss me,” I said, my voice barely audible.

“I want to kiss you, too.” He nipped my neck lightly. “In so many places.” Then he pressed a trail of kisses up my neck and along my jawline until he reached my mouth. Our lips hovered only a breath apart, and I could feel the pull, like a magnet. No longer able to resist, I pushed my face forward until my mouth was on his.

The contact was instant, and like the last time we’d kissed, my mind lost all ability to focus on anything besides Aidan. He tasted of cool peppermint mixed with a deliciousness that was completely his alone, and I couldn’t get enough. I’d really wanted to see if the kiss we shared the other night was an alcohol-induced fluke and the sparks I’d felt were only imagined, similar to the way people convince themselves that something is true even when it’s not.

Like the existence of multiple orgasms.

I was wrong. It was everything I remembered. A toe-curling, goose-bump-raising, forget-to-breathe kind of kiss.

He groaned into my mouth as he deepened our connection while placing a hand around the back of my neck, drawing me closer. I grabbed handfuls of his shirt in order to anchor myself to him, desperate to feel him against me. This wasn’t an out-of-control and ravaging kiss, but it was full of passion. Every stroke of his tongue against mine was strong and deliberate. When we finally pulled away from each other, our chests were heaving as we tried to steady our breathing.

“One thing you should know about me?.?.?.” Aidan began speaking as he looked down at me through half-lidded eyes. “I don’t play games. If I want something, I’ll say it. I want you to do the same. Do you think you can do that for me?”


“Good.” The satisfied grin he gave me transformed his classically handsome face into devastatingly gorgeous. “I repaired your alarm, and by repaired I mean that I plugged the wire you pulled out back in.” With that, he pecked a kiss on my nose and backed away. I watched as he grabbed his toolbox from the foyer and admired the way his biceps shifted under the short sleeves of his shirt with every movement. Yeah, I definitely had a thing for arms.

“I’ll see you Friday?” I called out to him.

“Definitely,” he answered with a wink and strode to the front door. I waited until I heard his truck engine fade away before I sank down to the floor.

Kentucky had no business producing men who could kiss like that.

Chapter Six

Fantasy Date Rendezvous #2: Go Where the Wild Things Are.

Congratulations! You made it to the second date, so let’s kick it up a notch and do something fun together. The language of music is universal. Find a local venue that plays the type of music that you and your date can agree on. You can tell a lot about a person by their choice in music. But don’t go big; the smaller and more intimate the setting, the better. Don’t be afraid to dance. Instead of talking with your mouths, use your dance moves as a form of communication?.?.?.

When Friday finally arrived, Aidan rang my doorbell on time. When I swung the door open he greeted me with a kiss that left me feeling boneless.

“Hey,” I said, smiling up at him when our lips finally separated.

“Hey,” he replied, returning my smile. “You look beautiful. Are you ready to go?” I nodded and he pulled me along with him after he made sure I’d set the alarm properly. We held hands as we walked to his truck, and he opened the passenger side for me. After helping into the seat, he ran around to the driver’s side. He clicked his seat belt into place and took a second to look me over. My skirt slid to just above midthigh, and I saw the way his eyes lingered there.

“Beautiful,” he said again with a grin and put the truck into motion.

True to his word Aidan was creative with our next date. Aidan chose to take me to a new place called Fish Tank Freddie’s. It wasn’t a sea life aquarium; instead it was a small concert venue with standing room on the first floor and booths along the second-floor balcony. After lo

oking at our tickets, Aidan, still holding my hand, led me to the balcony, which I was grateful for.

The crowd on the first floor was pretty big as the first act began to play and grew even larger once the featured band came on. I’d never heard of either group before, but I liked their sound. We went down to the first floor for a while and got lost together in the crowd. The energy in the room was contagious. The band played a fusion of music, some of it soulful, some of it alternative. Their sound was unique and definitely something to groove to.

I noticed the way a few girls stared at Aidan appreciatively and tried to get his attention, but his eyes were on me. Several times other men tried to grab on to my waist only to have Aidan tug me away and shoot warning glares at any guy who dared get close to me. When the crowd became too much, Aidan and I went back to our booth and shared a few appetizers and drank draft beer while we enjoyed the music.

When the band started playing a cover of a song I’d heard on the radio, I couldn’t stop myself from standing up and dancing. Luckily there were no tables behind me so I wasn’t blocking anyone’s view. I reached out and grabbed Aidan’s hand, forcing him to dance with me. He moved, albeit reluctantly, to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as I swayed my hips. His nose brushed the side of my neck, and I rested the back of my head against his shoulder and we moved to the bass of the music.

When Aidan started pressing kisses to the top of my collarbone, I reached one arm behind me to hold the back of his head as I angled my neck to give him better access. He splayed one hand over the flat of my stomach and inched the other to rest on one of my breasts. The upstairs area was much darker compared to the downstairs where the lights were blaring. There wasn’t anyone sitting in the booths on either side, which gave us a little bit of privacy as we sank further back and away from the glare of the lights.

I loved the feel of his hands on my body, the way my heart pounded from the music, and the way his teeth nipped at the pulse at my neck with just the right amount of pressure to cause my nipples to harden. He turned my face so that his lips were on mine and lowered us until he was sitting on the booth with me in his lap. One of his hands came to rest on my thigh while the other kneaded my breast. When his fingers lightly grazed my inner thigh, I parted my legs slightly. The song that was playing had a slow and sensual beat. Aidan’s hand gradually moved until his fingertips brushed the front of my wet panties. He pulled his mouth from mine as he took in a sharp breath.

“Josette,” he mumbled against my neck. “Are you wet for me, baby?” I nodded and my inner muscles clenched involuntarily at the huskiness of his voice. “Can I touch you?” he asked, and I immediately nodded. When Aidan slid his fingers into my panties and rubbed at my wetness, I nearly cried out.

“Shh,” he said against my lips. “Quiet.”

I was faintly aware of the fact that we were in a public place, but I felt that no one would see us unless they were really focusing on us and not the concert, but then again, I was beyond caring at this point. All that was important to me at that moment was the way his fingers felt sliding along my wet folds and occasionally dipping inside.

“Aidan,” I breathed when his thumb started to circle my clit, and I parted my legs wider in order to rock my hips, but he stilled my movements.
