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Decided to wear my Docs and throw my high-tops away…

Monday, October 6, 9 a.m.

Realized in the car on the way to school that…

Monday, October 6, G & T

Okay. I admit it. I looked.

Tuesday, October 7

Ode to Algebra

Wednesday, October 8

Oh no.

Thursday, October 9

I found out why.

Friday, October 10

Princess lessons.

Saturday, October 11, 9:30 a.m.

So I was right: Lilly does think the reason I’m…

Saturday, October 11

I can never go to school again. I can never…

Later on Saturday

Well, I don’t know who Lilly Moscovitz thinks she is,…

Past Midnight, Sunday, October 12

She still hasn’t called.

Sunday, October 12

Oh my God. I am so embarrassed. I wish I…

Later on Sunday

Oh, okay. According to my mom, who just came into…

Even Later on Sunday

I just turned on my computer to look up some…

Even Later on Sunday

Just when I thought things might be looking very slightly…

Monday, October 13, Algebra
