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Oh my God. She totally likes him.

I know! Could she be more obvious about it?

It’s so surprising. J.P. doesn’t seem like her type.

Because he’s good-looking, English-speaking, and comes from a wealthy family?

Right. But he IS the creative type. And tall. And a very good dancer.

Wow. So I don’t get it. If she likes him,

why is she running that story of mine, that’s only going to hurt his feelings?

I don’t know. I love Lilly, but I can’t really say I understand her.

Yeah. You could say that about ALL of the Moscovitzes.

Oh, Mia. What are you going to do about Michael?

Do? Nothing. I mean, what CAN I do?

Wow. You’re taking this current estrangement so well. I mean, apart from the fact that you look like you’re about to throw up.

I AM throwing up, Tina. On the inside.

Tuesday, March 9, Lunch

Today at lunch J.P. was like, “Are you all right, Mia?”

And I was like, “Yeah. Why?”

And he was like, “Because your color’s off.”

And I was like, “My COLOR? What are you talking about?”

And he was like, “I don’t know. You just don’t look right.”

This does not sound like the kind of thing someone with a hidden burning passion for me would say.

So Tina must be wrong. It really must be Lilly J.P. likes after all.

That would be cool if they started going out. Because then it would give Lilly something to be happy about, you know, after she finds out the truth about her parents. And Michael and me.

Plus maybe then Lilly would have less time to try to psychoanalyze me at the lunch table, like she’s started doing right now.


What’s wrong, POG? Why haven’t you finished your Devil Dog?


Because I’m not in the mood for a Devil Dog.


When have you ever not been in the mood

for a Devil Dog?
