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Oh, well. At least that’s one I never have to worry about happening to Michael and me!

“Still, I shouldn’t have kept it all to myself,” Lilly went on. “I should have told you. At least it might have helped you understand—you know. Why I’ve been acting like such a freak lately.”

“At least,” I said gravely, “you have an excuse. For freakish behavior, and all. What’s mine?”

Lilly laughed, the way I’d meant her to.

“I’m sorry I wouldn’t pull your story,” she said. “You were totally right. It would have been mean to J.P. Not to me

ntion completely insulting to your cat.”

“Yeah,” I said, glancing over to where J.P. was standing, not too far from Doo Pak, who was breathlessly telling something to Elton John. “J.P.’s a really nice guy. And you know…” Well, why not? The niceness thing hadn’t let me down yet. “…I think he really likes you.”

“Shut up,” Lilly said. But not in quite as listless a voice as she’d been speaking in before. “I’ve given up guys. You know that. They don’t bring anything but trouble and heartache. It’s like I was telling David Mamet a minute ago that—”

“Wait,” I said. “David Mamet is here?”

“Yeah,” Lilly said. “He’s buying the faux island of Massachusetts or something. Why?”

“Lilly,” I said excitedly. “Go up to J.P. and tell him you want to introduce him to someone. Then bring him over to David Mamet.”


“Don’t ask. Just do it. I swear you won’t regret it. In fact, I bet he asks you out afterward.”

“Do you really think he likes me?” Lilly wanted to know, eyeing J.P. uncertainly.

“Totally,” I said.

“Then I’m going to do it,” Lilly said with sudden determination. “Right now.”

“Go for it,” I told her.

And she went.

But I didn’t get to see how J.P. reacted, because at that very moment, Michael came up, and slid an arm around my waist.

“Hi,” I said. “How was Bob?”

“Bob,” Michael said, “is so cool. How are you?”

“You know what? I’m good.”

And I wasn’t even lying, for a change.
