Page 17 of The Baddest Bad Boy

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At that, Cammie goes serious.

“Yeah, her dad died when she was a kid, leaving her with Fiona, her stepmom. Now that woman is a witch.”

“I know,” I nod seriously. “They told me all about what happened with her. It was nuts.”

After all, Fiona had some crazy idea that she was in a relationship with my brother, Travis, when it was actually Caitlin in a relationship with Travis. How that woman’s wires got so tangled, I have no idea. Fortunately, Fiona’s out of our lives, and it’s for the better.

We continue through the museum before happening upon the area devoted to modern aviation and commercial flight. It’s probably the smallest part of the museum, but it’s my personal favorite.

“This is where I work,” I say, pointing towards a giant United Airlines sign. “Welcome to the friendly skies.”

Cammie’s eyes go wide.

“I didn’t know you worked for United!”

“Yep. It’s pretty cool. All the airlines have had ups and downs because it’s a crazy industry buffeted by so many factors. But I think United has been my favorite to fly for so far because they let me go all over the world.”

Cammie nods before smiling, a little rueful. “You’re lucky. You know, this is kind of embarrassing, but I’ve never even been in a plane. When my family traveled we always rented a RV, and again, I’ve never been outside of the continental U.S. Isn’t that sad?”

My eyes widen. I’d suspected as much when she told me about her budget family vacations, but I don’t want her to feel less-than or not as good. I take her small palm in mine, squeezing it tight.

“I’ll have to take you sometime,” I say in a low voice. “We’ll change that together.”

Cammie smiles, still a little wry. “I don’t know about that because flying scares me, to be honest. I mean, how do planes stay in the sky? I want to go to Europe, but I’m thinking I might need to medicate myself so that I’m conked out the whole time.”

I laugh.

“It’s not that bad, I promise.”

She turns to me, her smile sparkling.

“How many stamps do you have in your passport?”

I laugh. “Nice subject change. Most countries don’t require stamps anymore, actually, but I’m on my ninety-ninth. Soon, I’ll have a hundred.”

Her eyes go wide.

“Oh my god, as in you’ve visited a hundred different countries?”

“Yep. It’s pretty awesome and I’m definitely going to keep this passport to show my grandkids.”

She giggles, and again, I’m taken with a vision of the curvy girl growing heavy and large with my baby. It would be wonderful to start a family with someone like Cammie who’s loving and genuinely kind. I can see her as a mother and grandmother, caring for her brood.

But then I snap out of it. We’ve only been dating for a week, so clearly, my thoughts are premature. Yet there’s something that feels right about the long-term with the curvy girl. It would be a wonderful life, and my soul is light as we continue to wander the museum.

“So do people treat you differently because you’re a big-shot pilot?” she asks, slipping her hand into mine once more.

I chuckle.

“No, not at all. It’s a prestigious career that pays well, but no, we’re working stiffs like everyone else. It’s just that I get a hefty paycheck while traveling the world.”

At that, we come upon a hangar with an exhibit on the Apollo 13 mission. I begin to rhapsodize about space travel and developments in spaceflight.

“It’s like you’ve memorized the plaques!” the curvy girl laughs. “You’re a walking encyclopedia.”

I shrug modestly.

“Okay, so I’ve been here a few times. But yeah, the tale of Apollo 13 is incredible, and I think they even made it into a movie. Besides, in school I pretty much wrote all my papers on either planes or space shuttles.”

“I like that you’re a little bit of a nerd,” she says in a teasing tone.

“I’m a hot nerd, though, right?”

Cammie grins. “The hottest.”

“Damn right!” I chuckle, squeezing her waist. “And I’m going to make you repeat that while I’m inside you next time.”

She giggles and we finish going around the museum. It’s been a wonderful day, and I can’t remember the last time I so enjoyed myself with a woman. As we step back into the parking lot, it’s almost five p.m. and dusk is settling over the treetops.

“Dinner, honey?”

“Yes, please. I’m starving.”

“Good, me too. There’s a great burger place nearby.”

I swear Cammie’s eyes shoot hearts at the mention of burgers.

“I am very down with that. Super-down, in fact.”

I laugh because my girl always has a hearty appetite, and I adore that about her.


I drive to the burger joint, which is called Greasies. It’s not a great name, but their food is amazing, and immediately, I inform my date that there’s no reason to order anything but a burger.
