Page 105 of Crank (Crank 1)

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That is, if she ever gave

me a chance to talk.

How much did she

really want to know?

Did you do any shopping? I

already got school clothes.

What did you do for the 4th

of July? We went

up to Virginia City.

What day was today? The 10th!

Dad never said a word

about fireworks.

The 4th of July had slipped

on past, with me held

fast in the grip of the monster.

We’re going camping.

Want to come? My mom

said it’s okay. I hate to spend

a whole week, alone

with my parents and little sister.

I told her I’d ask and call later.

My brain needed a rest—not

to mention my left ear.

Kristina could listen

to Sarah talk for hours.

Bree was ready to scream.

At Least I Had the House to Myself

I downed an ampicillin,

splashed peroxide on my

