Page 121 of Crank (Crank 1)

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But Bree was watching.

Rather Than Face

total embarrassment, I

told Trent and Sarah I’d

meet them at Black Widow.

They looked at me,

looked at what I was looking at,

hard-bodied and tan on his tall tower.

Trent gave me a thumbs-up.

Sarah broke out in giggles.

Then they graciously provided space.

I invited Bree to take over while

Kristina took cover. She bent forward

from the waist, shook her dripping hair,

straightened, flipped it backward,

and without a single thought to the

puffy pink heart on her thigh

(let alone its artist), she marched right

over to that lifeguard tower, looked up

and, without drooling at all, asked,

“Do you get a lunch break?”

Before Bree

that would never have happened.

Whatever she’d done to me,

for me, and basically

in spite of me,

she’d given me a whole

new sense of self.

I never knew

I could play the vamp,
