Page 155 of Crank (Crank 1)

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I was game to play the game. We wandered

off, found a soft sitting

spot in a patch of crispy brown wild wheat.

Come here, Bree.

As he pulled me onto his lap, I wondered if

I should confess my double identity.

Instead, I let him kiss me. Hard. Hot.

Oh, man. I’m hot

He shed his shirt and the moon revealed

perfect, tanned muscles. He started

to unbutton mine, silencing my protest.

Shhh. Don’t say no.

“I can’t. I mean, I never …” Crank-enhanced

goosebumps lifted as he moved

his hands gently across my skin. “Stop.”

You know you want to.

“I do, Brendan, I really do. But I can’t.

It’s the wrong time of the month.”

I’d decked him. He slapped back.

Then, why did you call?

I let Bree answer. “Not to get laid, incredible

as you are. Is that all you think I’m

about? What if I told you I’m a virgin?”

I’d call you a liar.

Bree wanted to joust, but Kristina thought

about a long walk home and put Bree

back into her box. I looked him in the eye. “No lie.”


Hair Mussed

clothes cockeyed,
