Page 160 of Crank (Crank 1)

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Even caught up in confusion,

I knew better than to repeat myself.

I shook my head.

Tell me again.

Okay, she was testing me.

I flunked completely.

“I said, fuck you.”

That’s what I thought you said.

Mom’s turn for firsts.

She slapped me so hard my teeth

rattled and snot flew.

Don’t ever say that to me again.

I dissolved into exhausted

tears, wondering why I’d done it.

Mom broke down too.

Kristina, what’s going on with you?

I couldn’t tell her the truth.

What kind of lie might do? I started

with a genuine, “I’m sorry.”

Oh, God, I’m sorry too.

She sat down beside me

on the bed, put her arms around

me, hugged tight.

You’re not in trouble, are you?

Trouble? All sorts of trouble, oh,

yes. But not the kind she was worried

about. “No, Mom.”

These new friends … are they … okay?

Why couldn’t she just say

what she meant, ask if they’d led
