Page 182 of Crank (Crank 1)

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and almost immediately,


dissolved, like sugar stirred

into saltwater, as the real


clamped down around me,

slammed me back down to Earth.

Tried to Beat Mom Inside

but she was right on my heels

as I went through the door.

Who is that boy who just left?

Busted. I had to tell her something,

so I said, “A friend.”

What kind of friend?

“My best friend,” I wanted to say.

“My only friend.” I just stared.

I asked you a question.

Okay. I’d tell her what she didn’t

want to hear. “Chase is my boyfriend.”

Boyfriend? He’s hardly your type.

Anger bubbled. I gritted my teeth.

“I don’t have a type, Mother.”

Well, at least someone good-looking.

Like Chase wasn’t, she meant.

And, “You mean like Brendan.”

Exactly. What happened to Brendan?

I was prepared. “We didn’t really

hit it off.” Understated, huh?

But he was so nice, so polite.

I tried to bite my tongue. Didn’t work.
