Page 241 of Crank (Crank 1)

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So he joked,

Should be a cute kid, anyway.

Which made me smile

but still gave me no answers.

He offered,

Don’t answer me now.

Not then, but soon.

I was already six weeks p.g.

He probed,

I know it’s a tough decision …

Tough. Too tough.

And all mine to make.

He dared,

but life is full of tough decisions.

Like a guy would ever

have to face this one.

He suggested,

Maybe you should talk to your mom.

My Mom?!?!

The ice princess? The bitch queen?

The “mother” of all mothers?

What was he thinking?

How could I talk to her?

We hadn’t really talked in months.

What would I tell her now?

That I was pregnant?

That I was pregnant because I was raped?

That I was raped because I would have done

